Ship Evacuation – FIRE, EVACUATION AND CROWD SAFETY BLOG Fri, 23 May 2014 10:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Comments on the sinking of the MV Sewol 16 April 2014, Part 3: Playing the blame game or asking difficult questions — written by Prof Ed Galea, 23 April 2014 23:00 Wed, 23 Apr 2014 22:28:42 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In my previous two blogs I reported what we currently know about the Sewol disaster, based on current media accounts and issues that hampered the evacuation of the passengers on the Sewol.  In the media blame is being firmly placed on the captain and bridge crew, but are these few people truly the only responsible for this tragedy?  Is there a wider problem that is the root cause of this and similar disasters?  In this blog I explore these issues.

The latest reports from South Korea now suggest that of the 476 people on board the Sewol, 174 were rescued, 159 bodies have been recovered and 143 people are still missing.


It is human nature to want to blame someone after a tragedy.  But when a disaster of this magnitude occurs, it is time for a nation as a whole to reflect on its safety culture, and not simply blame a few individuals. We should be looking at the safety culture on board the Sewol, in the company that owns and runs the vessel, within the South Korean maritime industry and within South Korean culture as a whole.  It is far too easy to point a finger at a few people, as the South Korean President has done.  To address the real problem and ensure that this type of disaster never happens again, we must identify and address the root cause(s) of the problem and this is likely to be the result of a number of factors, beyond the immediate actions of the Captain and crew.


To put this disaster into context it is useful to compare it to two other Ro-Ro ferries that have capsized in recent history resulting in large loss of life. In 1987 the Herald of Free Enterprise rolled over shortly after leaving port due to her bow doors being opened in less than 4 minutes and claimed the lives of 94 people while in 1994 the Estonia capsized in rough seas within about 15 minutes and claimed the lives of some 850 people.  So Ro-Ro vessels such as the Herald of Free Enterprise, Estonia and Sewol can capsize very rapidly if water gets onto the large open car decks.


We believe that the crew of the Sewol first called the coast guard (CG) at 08:56 to say that they were in distress – however, it is not clear how long they waited after realising that they were in trouble before called the CG. It was reported today that the first call to the authorities was actually made by one of the children on board as he was frightened that the ship would sink.  This is believed to be some 3 minutes before the crew made their first call.

From the official transcripts: 

9:10 a.m.

Sewol: Jindo VTS, this is Sewol

Jindo Coastal VTS: This is Jindo Coastal VTS.

Sewol: We’re tilted, so it looks like we’ll flip over soon.

Jindo Coastal VTS: Okay. How are the people on board? Boat A is nearing your boat as fast as possible.

Sewol: We’re so tilted that (we) can hardly move.

9:17 a.m.

Jindo Coastal VTS: Sewol, do you read Jindo Coastal VTS? (four times). How flooded are you?

Sewol: With the boat now tilted at least 50 degrees to the left, people can’t move to their left or right. The crew have been told to wait with their life jackets on. But it’s impossible to check whether they’re actually wearing them. Crew members gathered on the bridge are unable to move. Please hurry up.

So at 09:10 (some 14 minutes after first official message to the CG) they state that the vessel was severely leaning over, but no firm indication as to the degree of heel apart from saying they can hardly move. At 09:17 they estimate that they are on a heel of about 50 degrees, this is some 21 minutes after the crew first contacted the CG and some 24 minutes after the child made his call.

So the vessel appears to have a severe list some 14 to 21 minutes after the crew first radioed the CG to inform them of their emergency. We do not know how long it took them to radio the CG after the incident began, but it appears to be some 3 minutes after the child on board made his call. So it appears that they may have had around 17 minutes (or more) before conditions on the vessel became very difficult.

It will be important to establish when the crew first attempted to contact the passengers and when the message to “stay where you are” was made.

Given that around 17 minutes may have been available before conditions deteriorated to the point that movement became almost impossible, it is unlikely that all 476 souls on board the Sewol would have been able to reach the assembly points from which they could relatively easily abandon the vessel.  Nevertheless, had a command to commence the assembly phase been given at the earliest possible time, it is likely that considerably more of those on board could have been able to reach the assembly stations and therefore been in a position to abandon the vessel.


Given that there appears to have been sufficient time to allow a greater number of people to evacuate from the Sewol, it is important to establish the following: what were the evacuation procedures? How well did the crew know and understand them? What prevented the crew from implementing them?

These questions allude to the safety culture on the Sewol, in the management company, and in wider South Korean society, particularly:

  • What were the evacuation procedures on the Sewol?
    • How appropriate were these procedures for a Ro-Ro ferry?
  • Are passengers routinely informed of the evacuation procedures prior to departure?
    • How are they informed?
  • How familiar were the Captain and crew with their own evacuation procedures?
    • How often did the Captain and crew drill their evacuation procedures?
    • What did the evacuation drill consist of?
    • What was considered acceptable performance in evacuation drills and does this demonstrate an appropriate level of competence and understanding?
  • What oversight of the evacuation procedures did the parent company of the Sewol have?
  • What oversight of the evacuation training did the parent company of the Sewol have?
  • Did the corporate culture encourage or discourage adherence to safety and evacuation procedures?
  • What oversight of the evacuation procedures did the Korean maritime authorities have?
  • What oversight of the evacuation training did the Korean maritime authorities have?

Similar questions could be asked relating to other operational issues such as those relating to the safe navigation of the vessel, loading and securing cargo and rescue operations.

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Comments on the sinking of the MV Sewol 16 April 2014, Part 2: Evacuation issues associated with the Sewol incident — written by Prof Ed Galea, 20 April 2014 20:00 Sun, 20 Apr 2014 19:59:36 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In previous blogs related to ship evacuation, I have described the general ship evacuation process and implications for passenger ship safety; I will not repeat these here, but suggest that interested readers should refer to my earlier blogs on the Costa Cordia:

In my previous blog I reported what we currently know about the Sewol disaster, based on current media accounts.  Here I will explore to explore the ship evacuation process, what hampered the evacuation of the passengers on the Sewol and some of the implications for passenger ship safety.

The latest reports from South Korea now suggest that of the 476 people on board the Sewol, 174 were rescued, 54 bodies have been recovered and 248 people are still missing.

The sinking of the Sewol bears a striking resemblance to the Costa Concordia incident.  Many factors strongly influential to evacuation outcomes were common to both cases.  Some of these should have assisted the passengers, while others undoubtedly impeded their safe evacuation. The common factors that should have contributed to a favourable evacuation include:

1)    The incidents occurred under the jurisdiction of modern well-developed countries

This should have helped, but it does not mean that the shipping companies involved have a well-developed safety culture, or the regulatory and inspection facilities in each country are well developed and appropriate.

2)    The vessels were relatively modern

The Costa Concordia was launched in 2005, and the Sewol in 1994.  As both are relatively modern vessels they would have benefited from modern design practices and knowledge of safety issues. However, the Sewol was completed in the year of the Estonia disaster.  This disaster lead to a number of significant changes to IMO regulations for Ro-Ro ferries such as the Sewol, but they came too late to impact the design of the Sewol.

3)    The weather was calm

Bad weather can complicate the evacuation process, making it difficult to safely evacuate a large passenger vessel; however, in both cases, the sea was calm, and the conditions were not harsh.  While the water temperature in the case of the Sewol incident was cool, it is unlikely that the passengers would have remained in the water for a dangerously long period of time, especially given (4), (5) and (6).

4)    The vessels were on well-known routes and in busy shipping lanes

If the ship is in unfamiliar waters with little traffic it may complicate the decision to evacuate the vessel as the survivors may have to spend a long time in the water in lifeboats.  However, this was not the case in either of these incidents.

5)    The vessels were close to land

The fact the vessels were close to land meant that help was not far away.

6)    The vessels were in radio contact with the coast guard at the time of the incident

The fact that the vessels were in contact with the coast guard from the start of the incident meant that help was be quick in arriving.

7)    The vessels were not overcrowded and there were sufficient lifeboats for the population

In the case of the Sewol, the vessel was carrying significantly less than the maximum capacity of the vessel. In both cases, there was ample capacity in the available life boats.

8)    The captains were experienced master mariners

Both captains had considerable experience and should have been expert in the handling of their vessels, and the dangers associated with taking on water, particularly, in the case of the Sewol, of taking on water on the car deck.  Both should also have had a good working knowledge of the evacuation process and the need for speed.

Items (1) to (8) meant that the in both cases, these disasters occurred under somewhat ideal conditions and so we should have expected a much better outcome.  Indeed, both cases should have been more survivable, had the evacuation been managed in a more efficient and timely manner. 

In both cases the factors that contributed to the disastrous outcome of these evacuations include: 

9)    The passengers were not required to complete an assembly drill to familiarise themselves with the evacuation process prior to departure

In the case of the Costa Concordia an evacuation drill was not required prior to departure, but within 24 hours of departure.  In the case of the Sewol, as the journey was less than 24 hours an evacuation drill was not required at all.  This meant that it was unlikely that the passengers were familiar with the evacuation procedures.

10) Both Captains failed to start the assembly process within a reasonable period of time

This meant that the passengers were not in a position from where they could rapidly and easily abandon the vessel or be easily rescued by emergency responders, should this prove to be necessary.

11) Counter intuitive instructions were given to the passengers

Not only were passengers not given the command to assemble, they were effectively given instructions NOT TO assemble.  In the case of the Sewol, it is reported that the passengers were instructed to stay where they were, while in the case of the Costa Concordia, passengers were told that there was not a serious problem and that they should go to their cabins.

12) Both vessels capsized but this took more than 30 minutes

In both cases, there would have been sufficient time for most, if not all of the passengers to get to their assembly stations from where they could abandon the ship, had the assembly process started sufficiently early.

13) Failure to launch sufficient lifeboats (or liferafts)

Delay in starting the evacuation process meant that it was impossible to launch sufficient lifeboats in the case of the Costa Concordia, or virtually any liferafts in the case of the Sewol.  Davet launched lifeboats cannot be launched when the angle of heel exceeds 20O and the liferafts cannot be launched if the crew cannot reach them due to adverse angles of heel.

14) Both captains abandoned the vessel before their passengers and crew had safely evacuated.

In both cases it is reported that the Captain did not remain on board to manage the evacuation of the people in their care.  Essentially they left the passengers to fend for themselves.

Failure to start the assembly process as soon as possible contributed to the disastrous outcome in both cases.

  • Why is it so important to start the assembly stage as early as possible?

In an evacuation situation, every second counts and seconds can mean the difference between life and death.  On board a large passenger ship, the evacuation process is usually undertaken in two parts: the assembly phase, and the abandonment phase.  This is explained in more detail in an earlier blog concerning the Costa Concordia (

During the assembly phase, passengers are instructed to go to their assembly stations. Passengers will be given lifejackets at the assembly stations, or they will bring their lifejackets from their cabins.  Assembly stations are close to the points from which passengers can embark onto the lifeboats if the captain decides to go to the second phase of the evacuation, the abandon ship phase.  It is vitally important that the assembly phase is completed as quickly as possible because conditions on board may make it impossible for passengers to get to a place from where they can abandon the vessel, if conditions deteriorate, such as if there is a fire on board, or if the vessel is heeling over, as in the case of the Costa Concordia and the Sewol.  If passengers are in the assembly stations it will also be easier for emergency teams to rescue the passengers compared to if they are located deep within the vessel.

Imagine you are in your cabin and you need to get to the assembly station.  Let’s assume that the assembly station is on your deck so you don’t have to climb or descend any stairs.  You will have to get out of your cabin, pass along a corridor running along the length of the vessel and then eventually pass through a corridor running across the vessel linking the left with the right part of the vessel.

When the vessel is upright, this is a relatively easy thing to do and you can pass from left to right or from right to left easily, depending on which side you need to move to (see Figure 1).  If the vessel takes on a slight heel, say less than 5O, movement is still relatively easy, assuming that you are not elderly or disabled (see Figure 2); however at 20O of heel, it starts to become very difficult to move up the slope and to control your movement going  down the slope (see Figure 3).  Your travel speed up and down the slope is greatly reduced, resulting in it taking considerably longer to assemble the passengers.  If you have elderly or disabled passengers, it is unlikely that they will be able to move unaided.

Angles of heel from 0 degrees to 20 degrees

When the angle of heel reaches 45O, it is extremely difficult to move up the slope without travelling at a crawling pace, and you will need to hold onto things such as handrails to progress (see Figure 4).  Going down the slope in a controlled manner also becomes very difficult. If you are elderly or disabled, it is unlikely that you will be able to move, even with assistance. 

At 60O of heel, it is unlikely anyone will be able to move up the slope, and the only way is down or staying where you are (see Figure 5).  If the passengers have not reached the assembly stations by the time the angle of heel has reached 60O, it is unlikely that they are going to be able to move across the vessel against the slope. 

Angles of heel from 45 degrees to 60 degrees

If passengers are still in their cabins when the heel is much greater than 20O, it is unlikely that they will be able to get out of their cabins, let alone make it to their assembly station.  Imagine now that if you had to ascend or descend stairs to reach your assembly station, how much more difficult it would be, compared with simply walking along a corridor!  Even walking along the long corridors running the length of the vessel becomes difficult when the ship takes on an angle of heel greater than 20O.  The passenger is pulled down to the low side of the corridor and has to walk partially on the floor and partially on the bottom of the wall.  Here again the speed at which the passenger can move is greatly reduced AND the effective width of the corridor is greatly reduced, making it more difficult for crowds to move along the corridor.

This is why it is essential that passengers must complete the assembly process and locate themselves in a place from which they can abandon the vessel easily or be easily rescued if necessary.  So it is essential that the assembly phase of the evacuation is started as soon as possible.  Assembling the passengers does not necessarily mean that they will have to abandon the vessel, but if they need to do so, they will at least be able to.  I find it hard to understand why a captain of a vessel that is in distress – so much so that they have alerted the coast guard – would not have started the assembly process, if for no other reason than as a precaution. In my earlier blog concerning the Costa Concordia ( I offer some suggestions as why this may happen.  But it may also simply be down to denial.  The captain and senior officers may simply be denying the seriousness of the situation, believing that they can remedy it, and there is no need to evacuate.  If so, this becomes a training issue and one concerned with safety culture, both on board the vessel and also in the operating company that runs the vessel.

  • Did social culture play a role in the outcome of the Sewol disaster?

It has been suggested that social culture of the South Korean people had a role to play in the outcome of the Sewol evacuation.  In particular, the suggestion is that South Korean culture demands that people are respectful of authority and are compliant with the wishes of those in authority.  Had the passengers been from a different cultural group they may have reacted differently to the order to stay where they were.

Recent work by my research team as part of an EU FP7-funded project BeSeCu [1,2,3] suggests that social culture may influence the way in which people respond to alarms.  It was noted in this research that when faced with virtually identical situations, groups of people from one culture tended to react significantly more rapidly than groups from other cultures when faced with a fire alarm.  This is further discussed in a paper we published recently with the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, concerning evacuation from large passenger ships [4], as part of the EU FP7 SAFEGUARD project [5].  

However, I am not convinced that simply responding to an instruction from an authority figure is a cultural trait unique to the South Korean people.  Our research into the World Trade Center evacuation [6] suggested that when people in the South Tower of the WTC heard the instructions over the PA system that they should return to their offices, as they were safe in the South Tower, (as only the North Tower had been hit at this time), many did so – and died [7]. Also, many passengers on the Costa Concordia also complied with the instructions of the crew, at least initially. 

Perhaps it is more relevant that the majority of people on board the Sewol were children and so more likely to follow the commands of an authority figure.  This is probably likely to be the case in most cultures.  Furthermore, as with the Costa Concordia disaster, safety culture (or the lack of a healthy safety culture), as opposed to social culture, may have played a more important role in this disaster.

  • Assembly drill requirements

As has already been stated, according to IMO regulations, it is not compulsory to have an assembly drill prior to the departure of the vessel for voyages of less than 24 hours; however, as the Sewol and Costa Concordia incidents have tragically demonstrated, fatal accidents requiring the abandonment of the vessel can occur at any point of a voyage, even as little as a few hours after departure. In both cases, the passengers would have benefited from having experienced the assembly process prior to the fatal accident.

The point of the assembly drill is twofold: firstly, and most importantly, to familiarise passengers with the assembly procedures and the location of the assembly stations; secondly, to provide the crew with training in the management of large crowds of passengers.  The need to undertake the assembly drill becomes more critical the larger the number of passengers on board, and the more complex the layout of the vessel.  Indeed, the duration of the voyage is somewhat irrelevant when setting a lower limit for the need to undertake an assembly drill. 

The difficulty for a regulatory body is in defining critical limits on duration of voyage, population size and complexity of vessel layout that are meaningful and not arbitrary; nevertheless, in addition to the current voyage duration criterion, sensible limits could be placed on the other factors.  Addressing complexity, if a significant number of the passenger population is accommodated within cabins, the layout of the vessel will be more complex than a vessel not having cabins.  Thus if a significant number of passengers are accommodated within cabins, the complexity criteria will require an assembly drill.  In terms of the size of the passenger population, if the predicted assembly time for the vessel is within 20% of the maximum allowed assembly time, then the population criteria will be met to require an assembly drill.

So rather than having a single factor (duration of voyage) determining whether or not an assembly drill is required prior to departure, three factors addressing different challenging evacuation issues should be considered:

  • Duration of voyage: if the voyage is greater than 24 hours, an assembly drill must be undertaken.  This ensures that the current criterion is maintained.  The longer the voyage the greater the chance that an accident may occur and, hence, that an assembly may be required.
  • Complexity of vessel: if more than 30% of the passengers on the voyage are to be accommodated within cabins, then an assembly drill must be undertaken.  This ensures that passengers travelling on vessels with complex layouts will undergo an assembly drill prior to departure.
  • Number of passengers: if the predicted assembly time for the vessel is within 20% of the maximum allowed assembly time, an assembly drill must be undertaken.  This ensures that vessels with large numbers of passengers for their size will have an assembly drill prior to departure.



2: “Behaviour – Security – Culture. Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters: A cross-cultural Investigation.”, Silke Schmidt and Ed Galea (Eds), 2013, Pabst Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-3-89967-867-3

3: Galea, E.R., Sharp, G., Sauter, M., Deere, S.J., Filippidis, L., “Investigating the impact of culture on evacuation behaviour – A Polish Data-Set”, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, Human Behaviour in Fire, Cambridge UK, 2012, Interscience Communications Ltd, ISBN 978-0-9556548-8-6, pp 62-73, 2012.

4: Brown, R., Galea, E.R., Deere, S., Filippidis, L., “Passenger Response Time Data-Sets for Large Passenger Ferries and Cruise Ships Derived from Sea Trials”, Trans RINA, Vol 155, A2, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, April-June 2013, pp A97-A103.



7: Galea, E.R., Hulse, L., Day, R. Siddiqui, A., and Sharp. G. “The UK WTC 9/11 evacuation study: An overview of findings derived from first-hand interview data and computer modelling”, Fire and Materials, Vol 36, pp501-521, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/fam.1070


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Comments on the sinking of the MV Sewol 16 April 2014, Part 1: What do we currently know about the Sewol incident — written by Prof Ed Galea, 20 April 2014 01:30 Sun, 20 Apr 2014 01:08:50 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In previous blogs related to ship evacuation, I have described the general ship evacuation process and implications for passenger ship safety so I will not repeat these here but suggest that interested readers should refer to my earlier blogs on the Costa Cordia:

Here I would like to attempt to put together a picture of what we currently know about the Sewol disaster based on current media accounts and make some tentative comments about the possible cause of the incident.  In later blogs we will explore the implications of this incident on passenger safety.

As is the case after every disaster, the world’s media has been flooded with accounts concerning the sinking of the Sewol.   There is so much information flying about it is difficult to keep track of the salient points of the incident.  Here is what I hope a summary of some of the reported key points:

The vessel:

  • The Sewol was built by Hayashikane Shipbuilding & Engineering in Nagasaki, Japan in 1994.
  • The Sewol is a Ro-Ro ferry.  She has passenger accommodation on the upper decks and a car deck lower down on the vessel.  The vessel has a vehicle ramp in the aft of the vessel.  The vessel can also carry shipping containers.
  • Vessel was bought by South Korea in October 2012.
  • It is owned by Chonghaejin Marine and the vessel is registered with the Korean Register of Shipping
  • The Sewoll was modified from Oct 2012 to Feb 2013.  It is reported that additional accommodation space was added to the third, fourth and fifth decks to accommodate 181 additional passengers (some reports say 117 passengers and some reports also say additional cargo capacity) and that the existing cabin spaces were also modified.  It is reported that the modifications added 239 tons of weight to the vessel (some reports suggest 169 tonnes).
  • The Sewol is reported to have passed all required certification and safety checks following modification.
  • At the time of her last sailing, the Sewol was 146m long, 22m wide with a gross tonnage of 7000 tons. It could accommodate 921 passengers, 35 crew and space for 220 vehicles.  It could also carry 152 20 foot shipping containers. It had a reported maximum speed of 21 knots.
  • The vessel is reported to have 46 lifeboats, but this probably means 46 liferafts.  From the available photographs it is not clear if there are any davet lunched lifeboats.
  • On its final voyage it is reported that it was carrying more than 100 cars and lorries, along with a sizable shipment of cargo containers strapped onto the deck.
  • Detailed plans of the vessel, showing the layout of the interior and the location of the assembly errors are not available.


From BBC News website

The occupants:

  • Reports of the total number of people on board during her final sailing varies from 359 up to 476.
  • The lower estimate is made up of: 30 crew, 325 students, 15 teachers and 89 other passengers.  However, at the time of writing it is not known precisely how many people were on board.
  • Most accounts agree on the number of students at 325.
  • Students are from Danwon High School in Ansan, a suburb of Seoul

The voyage:

  • She was on a routine voyage which she usually undertakes two or three times per week.
  • The route runs from Incheon to the tourist island of Jeju.
  • The voyage is reported to last 13.5 hours (some reports say 14 hours).
  • On its last voyage, the Sewol sets sail from Incheon on Tuesday 15 April at night.
  • The conditions are reported as calm with a water temperature of about 12OC at the time of the incident.
  • It is expected that the passengers do not undertake an assembly drill prior to departure as the voyage is under 24 hours in duration.  Thus by IMO regulations the shipping company is not required to hold an assembly drill.

The incident:

  • It is alleged that the Captain (68 year old Lee Joon-Seok) was not on the bridge at the time of the incident.  This in itself is not an issue as the Captain cannot be expected to be on the bridge at all times.  However, the question is whether or not this was a time requiring the Captain to be pilot the vessel.
  • It is alleged that the third mate, a 26 year old woman with one year’s experience at the helm of a vessel and five months experience on the Sewol is at the helm.  It is alleged that this was the first time she had the helm of the Sewol.
  • It is alleged that the vessel made a sharp turn between 08:48 and 08:49. It is not clear why the sharp turn was made.
  • Passengers report hearing a bang and feeling a sever jolt.
  • A distress call is made from the Sewol at 08:56 (23:56 GMT) on Wednesday 16 April, vessel begins to heel over.
  • At around 09:30 the Sewol is at 600 heel and helicopters begin arriving.
  • At around 09:45 helicopters begin rescue operations.
  • At around 10:00 vessel is at 90O heel rescue operations continue.
  • At around 10:23 vessel is completely overturned.
  • During this period passengers report that they were instructed to remain where they were.
  • At the time of writing it is alleged that 46 people are confirmed dead, 174 rescued and 256 are missing.
  • Of the suggested 29 crew members on board, 20 including the Captain survived.  It is alleged that the Captain was amongst the first to board rescue boats.  Note that this does not mean that he was amongst the first rescued as helicopters allegedly rescued the first people.

From the Straits Times Web site:


There are at least three possible causes for the incident:

1)    The vessel hits an obstruction on the sea bed ripping open a hole in the vessel which suddenly takes on water causing the severe heel.  The bang heard by the passengers was the sound of the vessel hitting the obstruction.

  • As this is a regular voyage on a regular route it is unlikely that the vessel would hit an obstruction on the sea bed unless the vessel was off course at the time of the incident.
  • The rescue divers may be able to eliminate option 1 if they are able to examine the hull of the submerged vessel.

2)    The sudden turn made by the vessel is beyond the normal operational parameters of the vessel for the loading conditions causing the cargo to become dislodged

3)    The sudden turn made by the vessel causes the vessel to lean into the turn destabilising the cargo and vehicles on the car deck which in turn accentuates the heel.  The bang heard by the passengers is the shifting cargo on the vessel.

  • This may be an issue if the modifications to the vessel made the vessel less stable at normal operating situations by raising the centre of gravity of the vessel.
  • Alternatively, the cargo may have been incorrectly secured to the deck so that a sudden turn could have dislodged the cargo.


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Sinking of the MV SEWOL 16 April 2014 — written by Prof Ed Galea, 19 April 2014 14:30 Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:06:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]> I would like to express my deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of the 33 confirmed dead and the 174 still missing in the tragic incident on the MV Sewol off the island of Byungpoong South Korea on the 16 April 2014. My best wishes also go out to the many injured in the incident and the traumatised families of the dead and missing who must be overwhelmed with grief and anxiety.   The loss of so many innocent people, mainly school aged children is a terrible tragedy which is felt not only by the families of those involved, but all the people of South Korea and the world.  Thanks and praise should be heaped on the South Korean rescue workers who continue to search for survivors in extremely difficult conditions. Praise and admiration must also go out to the divers who are still putting themselves in harm’s way, as they attempt to search the flooded interior of the overturned vessel in the hope of finding survivors.  Thanks should also go out to all those on land who are providing comfort and support to the survivors and the families of the bereaved and missing.

As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions. Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers. Hopefully the inquiry into this incident will reveal what happened and why it happened. It is hoped that from this tragic incident lessons will be learned that will lead to the improved safety of those who take to the sea.

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FSEG at the “Human Behaviour in Fire” 2012 Conference Sat, 15 Sep 2012 15:49:26 +0000 Continue reading ]]> FSEG will be at the Human Behaviour in Fire conference next week (19-21 Sept 2012) in Cambridge UK.   FSEG staff attending the conference are: Prof Ed Galea, Dr Steve Gwynne, Dr Mike Kinsey, Dr Steve Deere, Mr Darren Blackshields, Dr Lynn Hulse, Ms Aoife Hunt (Phd Student), Ms Maria Pretorius (Phd Student), Mr Simo Haasanen (Phd Student), Mr Robert Brown (Phd Student) and Mrs Kirsten Salzer-Frost (Phd Student).

Come and visit the EXODUS demo stand and check out our most recent research which will be presented through 7 papers:

“Fire and Evacuation Simulation of the Fatal 1985 Manchester Airport B737 Fire”, Wang, Z., Jia, F., and Galea, E.R.


In this paper, fire and evacuation computer simulations are conducted to determine the impact of exit opening times on the evacuation and survivability during the Manchester Airport B737 fire of 1985. The fire and evacuation simulation tools, SMARTFIRE and airEXODUS are used in the analysis. The work is in two parts, the first part attempts to reconstruct the actual fire incident and ensuing evacuation using the known facts derived from the official investigation report.  The second part investigates the impact of exit opening times on the aircraft fire development and subsequent evacuation. The results suggest that the number of fatalities could have been reduced by 92% had the delays in opening two of the three exits been avoided.  Furthermore, it is suggested that opening of the unused aft right exit during the accident did not contribute to the high loss of life in this accident.  Indeed, it is suggested that the opening of this exit improved survivability within the cabin and reduced the death toll by some 17%.

“Investigating the impact of culture on evacuation behaviour — A Polish Data-Set”, Galea, E.R., Sharp, G., Sauter, M., Deere, S.J., Filippidis, L.

In this paper results from an unannounced evacuation trial conducted within a library inWarsawPolandare presented and discussed. This experimental evacuation is part of a large international study investigating the impact of culture on evacuation behaviour. In addition, a framework to enable the systematic analysis of Response Phase behaviours is presented and applied to the trial data. The framework not only provides a consistent method for describing Response Phase behaviour, but also provides a framework for classifying and quantifying the Response Phase other than simply using the overall response time. An empirical response time model, based on data generated using the framework is also presented and applied to the evacuation trial data. The empirical response time model produces a prediction for the average response time for the trial population which is within 3% of the measured value. In addition to presenting Response Phase data, a data-set suitable for the validation of evacuation models is also presented. This consists of both egress times and time dependent density measurements.  buildingEXODUS predictions of the evacuation are compared with the validation data and shown to be in good agreement with the measured data.

“Modelling Human Factors and Evacuation Lift Dispatch Strategies”, Kinsey, M.J., Galea, E.R., and Lawrence, P.J.


This paper presents an overview of a series of evacuation simulations utilising different lift dispatch strategies using an empirical based enhanced agent-lift model developed within the buildingEXODUS software. A brief description of the enhanced agent-lift model is presented. The evacuation scenarios investigated are based on a hypothetical 50 floor building with four staircases and a population of 7,840 agents. While past studies have measured the influence of such evacuation lift dispatch strategies assuming compliant/homogenous agent behaviour, this study extends that work by highlighting the potential influence of human factors upon such evacuation lift dispatch strategies. The study suggests that evacuation lift human factors can considerably decrease evacuation performance and highlights the need for consideration within evacuation strategies based on lifts.  

“An Analysis of the Performance of Trained Staff Using Movement Assist Devices To Evacuate the Non-Ambulant”, Hunt, A., Galea E.R., and Lawrence, P.J.

This paper describes a series of trials undertaken to quantify the performance of trained hospital staff in evacuating a test subject through 11 floors of Ghent University Hospital using four commonly used movement assistance devices: stretcher, carry-chair, evacuation chair and rescue sheet.  In total 32 trials were conducted, using both male and female assist teams.  Presented in the paper are performance results, including: device preparation time, horizontal speeds, vertical speeds, and overtaking potential in stairwells. These data, alongside those established in questionnaire data from the experiment participants, form the basis of the device performance evaluation presented in this paper. A comparative methodology is derived to assess the efficiency of the devices. This methodology enabled performance differences to be established, according to the devices employed and the staff involved.

“The UK BeSeCu Fire Fighter Study: A Study of UK Fire Fighters’ Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioural Reactions to Emergencies”, Hulse, L.M. and Galea, E.R.

A survey of UK firefighters revealed them to be seemingly psychologically prepared for what their job would expose them to but not immune to experiencing emotional arousal or perceived risk during emergency events. A number of aspects, such as the event posing serious consequences to their lives/well-being, were singled out as particularly distressing and linked with greater emotional arousal, while other aspects, ones focused on other people/circumstances, reduced perceived risk. Traffic accidents appeared to be a special case, inducing lower arousal and risk than another commonly attended emergency, domestic fires. More years of service had a positive effect on the risk perceived during a stressful event but heightened the emotional arousal in that moment. Received support was one of the most significant predictors of posttraumatic stress and growth, as well as being significantly linked to peri-event thoughts/feelings, although other variables not tested here, e.g. individual differences, might be better at explaining posttraumatic states than event-related variables. The sample reported that safety work with a risk group, migrants, was underway and appeared to be beneficial in reducing instances of “inappropriate behaviour” during emergencies but communication difficulties were an issue and training on this matter would appear desirable. Significant differences in responses across the UK were detected and consequences for international comparisons are discussed.

“The Collection and Analysis of Data from a Fatal Large-Scale Crowd Incident”, Pretorius, M., Gwynne, S., and Galea, E.R.

This paper discusses the analysis of data-sets from observations made at the Duisburg Love Parade in 2010 and the large-scale crowd situation that ended in fatalities due to the development of crush conditions. This event is a useful case study of large crowd circulation based on the materialthat was made publically available by the organisers and attendees. The resultant data-set has been used to configure the buildingEXODUS modelto approximate the original incident in order to verify both the model’s performance and the underlying scenario assumptions; i.e. whether buildingEXODUS can reliably represent agent actions, the conditions that develop and the impact of these developments.

“Response Time Data for Large Passenger Ferries and Cruise Ships”, Brown, R., Galea, E.R., Deere, S., and Filippidis, L.


This paper outlines research that was carried-out under the EU FP7 7 project SAFEGUARD and presents three sets of passenger response time data generated from full-scale semi-unannounced assembly trials at sea.  The data sets were generated from two different types of passenger ships, a RO-PAX ferry, SuperSpeed 1 (SS1) and a cruise ship, Jewel of the Seas (JoS).  In total response times from over 2200 people were collected making it the largest response time data set ever collected — on land or sea.  The paper presents the analysis methodology used to extract the response time data and the resultant response time distributions (RTD).  A number of key findings from the data analysis will also be presented, which includes: (a) all generated RTDs are log-normal, (b) RTDs from the two SS1 trials using two different populations are very similar, (c) The combined RTD for the SS1 is almost identical to the RTD generated from the earlier published data for the same type of vessel, (d) The RTD derived for the public spaces on the JoS is significantly different to that of the SS1, (e) The RTD for public spaces and cabins are significantly different.  These findings are discussed in this paper and form the basis of a recommendation to be submitted to the International Maritime Organisation to be used to frame the next iteration of the international guidelines for ship evacuation analysis.

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FSEG YOUTUBE Channel passes 200,000 views Sat, 28 Apr 2012 14:08:34 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The FSEG YOUTUBE channel has just passed a major milestone – over 200,000 video views of FSEG featured fire research output! This has been achieved with a presence of just under 3 years on YOUTUBE – Well done to the FSEG team!

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Passenger Ship Evacuation Seminar – 30 November 2012 Wed, 11 Apr 2012 11:52:44 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Announcing a 1 day seminar at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects concerned with Passenger Ship Evacuation presenting the results of the SAFEGUARD project.

SAFEGUARD, a 3.5 year (April 2009 — Dec 2012) EU FP7 project focusing on issues associated with the evacuation of large passenger ships, has generated more comprehensive passenger evacuation data than any other single evacuation project in history!  The project involved:

– Three passenger ships:

  • Superspeed1, Jewel of the Seas, Olympia Palace.

Superspeed 1

Olympia Palace

Jewel of the Seas

– Five semi-unannounced assembly trials, at sea involving:

  • 5,600 passengers successfully and safely assembled.
  • 5,000 infra-red tags issued to passengers
  • 100 Gb of video data collected from 246 video cameras
  • 3000 passenger questionnaires collected.
  • The assembly trial on the Jewel of the Seas involved 2304 passengers, making it the largest fully monitored assembly trial ever conducted at sea. 

Assembly on the Jewel of the Seas


–  Three ship evacuation models:

  • maritimeEXODUS, EVI, ODIGO.

–  9 research partners:

  • 2 Universities: University of Greenwich (UK) and the Memorial University (Canada)
  • 4 engineering consultancy firms: BMT (UK), Bureau Veritas (France), Principia (France), Safety @ Sea (UK).
  • 3 Shipping Lines: Color Line Marine AS (Norway), Royal Caribbean International (Finland), Minoan Lines Shipping SA (Greece).

FSEG and other project partners will be presenting the main findings from project SAFEGUARD at a 1 day seminar at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) Head Quarters in central London.  The seminar will address the following key questions:

  • Do we really know that cruise ships and passenger ferries can safely evacuate passengers in an emergency?
  • How do “real” passengers actually react in an evacuation?
  • Can we be certain that the current passenger evacuation simulation software is realistic?
  • How can we improve current IMO guidelines concerning the assessment of ship evacuation capabilities?

The seminar will present the work of SAFEGUARD and discuss suggested modifications to the IMO MSC Circ 1238 arising from the project.

The content of the seminar is as follows:

  • Background on ship evacuation issues.
  • Introduction to the SAFEGUARD project, methodology, description of the three shipping companies and the ships investigated.
  • Enhanced Benchmark Scenarios and model performance and recommendations to IMO MSC.
  • Response time data set: data collection, the data sets, implications to IMO MSC.
  • Validation data sets: data collection, the data sets, the model performances, and the recommendations to IMO MSC.
  • Heel Benchmark: Rationale, the benchmark, the model performances and the recommendations to IMO MSC.
  • Fire Benchmark: Rationale, the benchmark, the model performances and the recommendations to IMO MSC.

Places are limited, so it is recommended that you register early.  Full details and online registration can be found at the RINA web site at:

SEMINAR DATE: 30 November 2012

SEMINAR LOCATION: RINA Head Quarters; 10 Upper Belgrave Street; London SW1X 8BQ; UK

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Comments on the Costa Concordia Grounding 13 January 2012. Part 3: Repercussions for Passenger Ship Safety — written by Prof Ed Galea, 20 January 2012 18:15 Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:22:58 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In my next few blogs I would like to make a few general comments related to issues associated with ship evacuation, and based on media accounts, attempt to put together a picture of what we currently know.  Finally, I would like to make some tentative comments about the incident and its repercussions for passenger ship safety.  

In the third and final blog in this series I want to raise some questions about the Costa Concordia incident and discuss the repercussions for passenger ship safety.

1) This incident shows that a disaster can happen hours after a ship leaves port. So should the mandatory assembly drill be completed prior to leaving port rather than having the option of doing it within 24 hours of embarkation? 

The Costa Concordia disaster couldn’t have happened at a worse time.  Most if not all of the passengers who boarded at Civitavecchia would have been new to the ship.  It takes passengers some time to get accustomed to the layout of a large cruise ship.  It may take days before the passengers know their way around.  Even figuring out if you are walking forward (towards the front) or aft (towards the rear) of the ship when in one of the long corridors can be difficult.  On top of this, not having experienced the emergency assembly drill means that new passengers (especially those new to cruise ships) would not know what the process was to abandon ship and that there was an assembly phase, what the signal was to commence the assembly phase, where their assembly station was located, where their lifejacket was kept and how to don their lifejacket.  All of this will add to the confusion associated with the assembly process.  Not having conducted the assembly drill prior to leaving port is likely to have contributed to the reported confusion during the evacuation of the Costa Concordia.  

In my opinion, the drill must be undertaken prior to leaving port.  IMO should review this requirement as soon as possible.

2) Given that there would have been other officers on the bridge of the Costa Concordia, why didn’t anyone stop the Captain from taking the ship off course and dangerously close to the Island of Gigilo? 

Is there an issue with the culture onboard ships that makes it impossible for junior officers to question the Captain’s decisions regarding the safety of the passengers and vessel?  A similar situation existed in aviation where first officers felt it was not appropriate to highlight potential problems with decisions made by the Captain which may impact the safety of the passengers and the aircraft.  This is believed to have contributed to several accidents in the past but the aviation industry, on the whole, has now addressed this problem.  

The aviation industry addressed the problem through the introduction of a process known as Crew Resource Management or CRM.  The process relies on the flight deck crew working as a team.  No single person has all the anwers and things can be overlooked by one person and picked up by another.  At the end of the day it is still up to the Captain to make the decision (on an aircraft or on a ship), but it is useful to have a helpful team that are not afraid to bring things to his/her attention.  It involves junior officers being prepared to :
State their concern
State the problem as they interpret it
Suggest a solution
Seek confirmation

Is there a problem with bridge culture on large passenger ships?  IMO should review the situation.

3) Assuming that the Channel 4 timeline is correct and there was 90 minutes between hitting the rocks and heeling over (see blog 2), could the Costa Concordia have been safely evacuated?  

With the ship upright, a calm and orderly assembly may have required 40 to 60 minutes.  With the abandonment process requiring 30 minutes in ideal conditions, all the passengers and crew could have abandoned the ship in 60 to 75 minutes.  This assumes that the call to abandon the ship is made at 30 to 45 minutes into the assembly process.  With 60 to 75 minutes estimated to be required to abandon the ship, the Captain had a 15 to 30 minute window in which to decide to start the assembly process. 

Taking the lower limit of these time estimations, the evacuation could have followed the following timeline:

  0 min — ship hits rock, Captain starts assembly phase

30 min — Captain starts abandonment phase

40 min — Assembly phase completed, 40 min after ship hits the rocks

60 min — Abandonment completed 30 min after the start of the abandonment phase.

This minimum timeline requires the Captain to start the assembly process immediately the ship struck the rocks and assumes that the assembly process is completed in the minimum practical time.

Taking the upper limit of these time estimations, the evacuation could have followed the following timeline:

 0 min — ship hits rock

15 min — Captain starts assembly phase

60 min — Captain starts abandonment phase

75 min — Assembly phase completed, 60 min after start of assembly phase

90 min — Abandonment completed, 30 min after the start of the abandonment phase.

On this basis it is conceivable that the ship could have been safely evacuated prior to it healing over.  But it would have required the Captain to have started the assembly process within 15 minutes of hitting the rocks and the abandonment phase within 60 minutes of hitting the rocks. 

4) It appears that it may have been possible to complete the evacuation before the ship started to heel over, so given the severity of the situation:

Why didn’t the Captain start the assembly phase earlier then he did?

While there is a lot going on in the initial minutes of such an incident, it would have been prudent for the Captain to have commenced a precautionary assembly as early as possible.  In general, there are many reasons why a Captain may hesitate in starting an assembly.  This is not an easy call; the last thing that a Captain and a ship owner wants is to ruin the first night and the first dinner of the cruise with a false alarm.  Imagine how upset the passengers and the ship owners would be if it turned out to be a false alarm or not as serious a situation as first thought!  What type of satisfaction ratings would the passengers give the Captain and crew if it were a false alarm?  What if a passenger was injured during a needless assembly?  Not an easy call, but with the safety of everyone on board at stake, it is a call that has to be made without fear of repercussions if wrong.  The safety culture of an organisation must reflect this type of approach.

5) As it appears to have been possible to complete the evacuation before the ship started to heel over, so given the severity of the situation:

Why didn’t the Captain start the abandonment phase earlier then he did?

It is noted that at this stage it is not even clear if the Captain did give the order to start the abandonment phase.  Nevertheless, according to the Channel 4 timeline, 73 minutes elapse between hitting the rocks and the command to abandon ship. From the media accounts, passengers who had assembled with their lifejackets were waiting to board the lifeboats.  Clearly, passengers were ready to board the lifeboats much earlier in the evacuation sequence. Doubtless, this delay contributed to the unrest reported by some passengers in the assembly area.  The delay in issuing the order to abandon ship will have made the job of the crew in the assembly areas significantly more difficult then it needed to be.  It also possibly contributed to the reported criticism of the crew in the assembly areas, by passengers who blamed the crew for delaying the abandonment process.  

6) The crew on the Costa Concordia had a tough job managing the assembly and abandonment process, a job made all the tougher by the delay in starting the evacuation process.  How can crew be better trained in handling the assembly process?

The crew undergo training in the assembly process usually without passengers present.  This is to ensure that they know where to go and what their duties are.  In addition, crew take part in the mandatory assembly drill for passengers, usually prior to departure.  While this is primarily a training event for the passengers, the crew also get to interact with passengers during a mass assembly process and so they get to experience what it may be like in an ideal evacuation.  However, the process could be made more realistic by having an unannounced drill — where the passengers and crew do not know when the drill will take place. 

As mentioned in blog 1 of this series, FSEG, my research group, are involved in an EU FP7 project called SAFEGUARD (see paper 252 at  As part of project SAFEGUARD we have performed five semi-unannounced ship assemblies at sea.  We wanted the assembly drill to be a surprise to the passengers and crew so that it would more closely resemble a real situation.  While the passengers knew that they would participate in an unannounced assembly drill after they had left port, they did not know when this would occur.  We had a lot of opposition from the industry at first.  The main issue that was raised was that the trial we proposed would be no different from what they normally do i.e. the announced drill along side and so would not produce anything that was not already well known.  They essentially wanted us to base our analysis on the normal assembly trials.  This is clearly nonsense since in the normal assembly drill, passengers are warned in advance of the exact timing of the assembly drill.  The passengers are even reminded 10 minutes before the drill takes place that the drill will start soon. As a result, many passengers pre-empt the drill and collect lifejackets and head off to the assembly stations prior to the commencement of the drill.  Anyone who has experienced a cruise will know precisely what I mean.  

As a result, many of the people are either already in the assembly station or in their cabins waiting for the drill to start.  While the passengers still have to find the assembly station, they do not experience an assembly with all the passengers trying to find their cabins and their assembly station at the same time.  So they do not experience the levels of congestion and organised chaos this produces — an experience not too dissimilar to what may occur in a real emergency assembly in ideal conditions.  Perhaps of more importance, the crew do not experience these conditions.  I am happy to say that we did eventually find three ship companies that were prepared to get involved and run the unannounced drills.  Without exception, the assembly process took considerably longer than is usually experienced when done alongside.  In most cases the assembly times produced by the unannounced drills at sea took about twice as long as the announced alongside drills.  Also, the ships officers and crew were particularly appreciative of the experience as they had never experienced anything like it before, in particular the numbers of passengers all moving at the same time, not knowing where to go, requiring guidance, it really put their training and their procedures to the test.  Without exception, everyone involved learnt some valuable lessons about the assembly process and what they may face in a real emergency assembly. 

It would not be practical or desirable for a cruise ship to run all their standard assembly drills as unannounced drills.   However, given the added training value it offers, it may be useful to require cruise ships to run some of their drills using this approach.  I suggest that IMO should consider making running a limited number of unannounced drills mandatory for cruise ship operators.

7) Should the IMO MSC Circ 1238 evacuation benchmark scenarios be more demanding?

Project SAFEGUARD (see item 6) is aimed at improving the current evacuation analysis process used to certify large passenger ships.  As part of this process it is conducting unannounced assembly trials at sea to collect more realistic data to utilise in the certification analysis such as the response times of passengers i.e. how long it takes passengers to react to the call to assemble.  In addition, SAFEGUARD is also collecting full assembly time data which will be used to validate and test the software tools used to simulate ship evacuation.  Perhaps of greater interest, SAFEGUARD is developing additional challenging benchmark scenarios to be investigated as part of the evacuation certification process.  These include a fire scenario and a scenario involving heel. Both fire and heel are serious hazards during ship evacuation and are currently excluded from the certification evacuation analysis.  By the time project SAFEGUARD is due to be completed (December 2012) it is hoped that several position papers will be produced and submitted to IMO for their consideration.

8) Why did the Costa Concordia heel over to the starboard side revealing the gash on the port side of the vessel?

I am not a naval architect but I am somewhat puzzled as to how the Costa Concordia has ended up.  The gash to her side is on the port side of the vessel.  So she would have been taking on water on her port side causing the ship to heel to the port side and eventually overturn onto her port side.  However she has overturned onto the starboard side revealing the gash on the port side.  How did this happen?  Was it the result of actions of the crew who tried to flood the starboard side to keep the ship in balance, was it the action of beaching, or was she holed again during the beaching, this time on her starboard side?  

Hopefully the inquiry into this incident will reveal what happened and why it happened.  It’s a little too easy to simply heap the blame on one individual.  It is hoped that from this tragic incident lessons will be learned that will lead to the improved safety of those who take to the sea.

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Comments on the Costa Concordia Grounding 13 January 2012. Part 2: What do we currently know about the Costa Concordia Incident — written by Prof Ed Galea, 19 January 2012 11:40 Fri, 20 Jan 2012 12:02:45 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In my next few blogs I would like to make a few general comments related to issues associated with ship evacuation, and based on media accounts, attempt to put together a picture of what we currently know.  Finally, I would like to make some tentative comments about the incident and its repercussions for passenger ship safety.   In the second blog I want to discuss what we currently know about the Costa Concordia incident based on media accounts.

The world’s media has been flooded with accounts concerning the Costa Concordia. 

We know that the Costa Concordia left the port of Civitavecchia (just north of Rome) at 19:00.  The assembly drill had not been done and was planed for 17:00 the following day — within SOLAS requirements.  Also, the ship already had an undisclosed number of passengers onboard who were continuing on the cruise when she came into Civitavecchia and so these passengers would have already had the assembly drill.  In total it has been reported that there were 3206 passengers on board and 1023 crew, making a total of 4229 people on board.  We also know that the ship did not follow its pre-programmed route but was diverted to pass close by the Island of Giglio.  At this point in time it is not clear why the ship was diverted, but it appears to have been at the command of the Captain who wanted to “salute” a retired colleague on the Island.

From here on, things get confused.  According to one account:

“……Mr Ebbage, also 68, added: “Suddenly, around 9.30 pm, there was an almighty bang. Our table went flying, everything crashed to the floor and the lights went out…..”

From: Italy cruise ship disaster: survivors describe ‘pure chaos’, The Telegraph, 15 January 2012

There are many similar survivor accounts in the media.  As we all know, the Costa Concordia hits an outcrop of rocks which cuts a 50m gash into her side.  However, it is not clear at what time this occurred.  This account suggests it was 21:30.   However, the severity of the impact is unmistakable from this account and other similar accounts.  What is clear is that at around 21:30 everyone onboard was plainly aware that something very significant had happened to the ship.  At this stage we would hope that the Captain was also aware that something was very seriously wrong. 

Determining an incident timeline is essential if we are to understand what happened during this incident.  However, it is very difficult to put the survivor accounts published by the media together into a coherent sequence of events as most of the interviews with survivors fail to provide an indication of when the reported events occurred.  This makes it very difficult to put an incident timeline together.  A couple of media outlets have attempted to put timelines together.  One timeline was put together by the National Post on 15 January.  An extract from this timeline is as follows:

21:30 – The ship strikes an outcropping.

21:35 – The electricity goes off.

21:45 – A first alarm is sounded: two long whistles and one short, informing the crew of a problem.

21:50 – The ship begins to list. In the restaurants, dinnerware falls off the tables. Some passengers rush to their cabins for their life vests.

22:00 – Some passengers begin gathering on the fourth deck where the lifeboats are located, as the captain tries to maneuver the vessel closer to shore.

22:10 – The “abandon ship” signal is given: seven short whistles and one long. Lifeboats begin their deployment.

22:20 – The coastguard launches rescue operations with the help of speedboats and helicopters.

23:15: The first lifeboat reaches Giglio. In all, some 4,000 of the ship’s 4,229 make it to safety aboard a lifeboat.

From: “The Costa Concordia’s final moments caught on camera”, National Post, 15 Jan 2012.

The UK television programme, Channel 4 News have put together a timeline and broadcast it on their 19:00 programme on the 19 January 2012.  According to this timeline we have the following events:

21:45   — Costa Concordia hit the rocks and continued on its way.

21:52   — Costa Concordia starts to turn towards shore.

21:58   — Costa Concordia loses power and the coastguard, alerted by the family of a passenger, begins their rescue operation.

22:42   – Costa Concordia stops, evacuation starts and people begin to get into lifeboats.

22:58   – Abandon ship call is made

23:15   – Costa Concordia begins to heel over. 

There is clearly some confusion as to when the incident started and the timing of how it progressed.  However, we know that about 3900 people made it to shore in lifeboats and that about 300 people were left onboard as the ship heeled over.

According to the Channel 4 timeline there was some 90 minutes between hitting the rock and the point where it was impossible to launch the lifeboats.  It is inconceivable that the Captain was not aware very early on in the incident that his ship was holed and taking on water.

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Comments on the Costa Concordia Grounding 13 January 2012. Part 1 The Ship Evacuation Process — written by Prof Ed Galea, 20 January 2012 11:00 Fri, 20 Jan 2012 11:10:06 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As in most disasters of this type, so soon after the incident, information concerning the nature of this incident is far too sketchy to draw any firm conclusions.  Indeed, at the time of writing there are more questions than answers.  In my next few blogs I would like to make a few general comments related to issues associated with ship evacuation, and based on media accounts, attempt to put together a picture of what we currently know.  Finally, I would like to make some tentative comments about the incident and its repercussions for passenger ship safety.   In the first blog I want to discuss the ship evacuation process.

Evacuating a large passenger ship, even in ideal conditions, is a complex and dangerous task.  Large passenger ships are normally evacuated in a two phase process, first the assembly phase and then the abandonment phase.  Each phase of the evacuation is initiated by a command from the Master of the vessel i.e. the Captain. 

 a) Assembly Phase

On the command of the Captain, usually designated by seven short and one long blast on the ships horn, the assembly phase can commence.  In the assembly phase, passengers are instructed by the crew to go to their designated assembly station, this is usually designated by a letter e.g. A, B, C, etc.  The assembly stations are usually spread over one or two decks and can be indoors (the norm) but can also be out doors (not so common).  How the ship conducts the assembly process is down to the company operating the ship and the Captain and so may differ from ship to ship.  For example, some ship operating companies assemble passengers by sending them direct to their designated assembly stations where they will be issued with life jackets.  Other ship operating companies will assemble passengers by first sending them to their cabins to collect life jackets, warm clothing and any essential medication, from their cabin, the passengers then make for their designated assembly station. 

During the assembly phase, crew should be stationed at key locations throughout the vessel to help direct passengers to their cabin and/or assembly station.  Once in the assembly station, passengers will don their lifejackets, or have lifejackets issued to them by the crew assigned to the assembly station. 

How long should the assembly process take?  As part of the ship design process, the duration of the assembly phase is determined through computer simulation, using evacuation simulation software such as maritimeEXODUS (see  The maximum time for the assembly process determined by computer simulation for a ship the size of the Costa Concordia, as set out in IMO MSC circ 1238, is 48 minutes.  It should be noted that according to IMO MSC circ 1238, the simulation of the assembly process is intended to benchmark the evacuation capability of the ship and so an ideal benchmark scenario is used in the assessment.  The benchmark scenarios currently used assume that the ship is in an upright condition and in dead calm conditions.  A safety factor of 25% is added to the predicted time to take account of all the factors that are missed out in ideal benchmark scenario, such as fire and heel and the inherent simplifications in the simulation software. So in reality it should take no more than 1 hour to assemble a ship the size of the Costa Concordia.

My research group (FSEG) is part of an EU FP7 project called SAFEGUARD (see paper 252 at  As part of project SAFEGUARD we have performed five semi-unannounced ship assemblies at sea (not along side as is usual practice for the ship assembly drill).  One of these assemblies was on a ship of roughly similar size to the Costa Concordia but with fewer passengers.  The assembly time for this ship took was about 30 minutes — in ideal conditions but unannounced.   So if the assembly process had started before the ship had taken on a severe heel, I estimate that it should be possible to assemble the Costa Concordia passengers in about 40 to 60 minutes.

b) Abandonment Phase

On the command of the Captain, the abandonment phase can commence.  Starting the abandonment phase is not taken lightly, as boarding and lowering lifeboats filled with people, even in ideal situations, is not a trivial task and one with its own inherent dangers.  This is why it is the Captain who gives the command to commence the abandonment phase.  Furthermore, the abandonment phase can commence before all the passengers have assembled if necessary.  As with the assembly phase, the manner in which the ship conducts the abandonment phase is not set down in regulation, but each shipping company will have its own procedures.  Some companies may board those in greatest need first, perhaps the injured.  Others will board people in no particular order, just simply the order in which they turn up.  From the assembly station a member of the crew assigned to the assembly station will take a group of passengers to the lifeboat and will assist them to board the lifeboat, there will usually be a member of the crew already in the lifeboat to assist passengers as they board.  Large modern lifeboats have a capacity of up to 150 passengers.  Even larger lifeboats with twice the capacity are used on the super large cruise ships. Once the lifeboat is fully loaded, the crew assigned to the boat station will lower the lifeboat and once in the water it is expected to move away from the ship.  However, if the ships angle of heel is greater than 20 degrees, the lifeboats cannot be launched.  Lifeboats are normally lowered into the water only when the ship has come to a full stop.

The entire process of boarding all the passengers into the lifeboats and launching all the lifeboats should take no more than 30 minutes according to IMO SOLAS regulations.

c) Assembly Drills

Assembly drills are mandatory on any passenger ship which undertakes a journey of more than 24 hours.  According to IMO SOLAS regulations, the drill must be undertaken within 24 hours of passenger embarkation.

d) Lifeboats and Lifejackets

Under IMO SOLAS regulations, modern large passenger ships must have lifeboat and liferaft capacity for 125% of the people on board.  There must also be lifejackets for 105% of the people on board.  Lifeboats cannot be launched once the angle of heel exceeds 20 degrees and lifeboats cannot be launched while the ship is still underway.

e) Crew

Most of the ships crew, including waiters, entertainers, bar staff and cabin attendants will have a role in the evacuation process.  They will be positioned at key locations throughout the ship to direct passengers to their cabins and assembly stations, they will be in the assembly stations to manage the passengers, they will be at the lifeboats to assist the boarding of the lifeboats, they will control the lowering of the lifeboats and they will be in the lifeboats to control the lifeboats.   In addition to the assembly drills, which are also a form of training for the crew, the crew will have assembly drill training (without passengers ensuring that they know where to go) and lifeboat drills were they practice releasing and lowering the lifeboats.  Training sessions for crew must occur on a weekly basis, and each member of the crew must undergo training at least once per month (according to SOLAS regulations).

f) Women and Children First

There are no IMO regulations that states women and children must be given preference in boarding lifeboats.  It is not clear where this code of practice originates, but it is suggested to have arisen out of the sinking of HMS Birkenhead in 1852.  The Birkenhead was carrying troops to South Africa when she struck an uncharted rock and started to sink.  The soldiers commanding officer gave the order for the soldiers on board to stand firm and let the women and children, of which there where seven women and 13 children, board the two lifeboats that had successfully been launched.  The soldiers did as they were told and most perished.  The bravery of the Birkenhead soldiers is remembered in the Rudyard Kipling poem (1896) “Soldier an’ Sailor Too”:  

“To stand and be still

To the Birken’ead drill

Is a damn tough bullet to chew.”

The Titanic disaster of 1912 was another example where the “women and children first” tradition was upheld.  The combination of insufficient lifeboats and the Birkenhead tradition, meant that disproportionally more men then women died in this disaster. 

The concept of “Women and children first” is not mandated and it is not necessarily such a good idea.  Most emergency evacuation situations are characterised as being time critical.  In such situations every second counts and can literately make the difference between life and death.   In ship based disasters, the quicker you can get the lifeboats loaded and launched the better.  If you had to prioritise people at the boarding stage this is simply going to waste precious time and may delay the launching of the lifeboats.  Furthermore, family groups have very strong emotional and social bonds.  It is difficult to break these bonds.  To separate a family group on the basis of gender (the men folk being left behind) at the point of boarding the lifeboat would not be easy and is likely to be met with opposition, again delaying the boarding process.

Perhaps Somerset Maugham was a little ahead of his time concerning the position he took on the “Women and Children First” tradition.  He is quoted as once saying:

“I much prefer travelling in non-British ships.

There’s none of that nonsense about women and children first”

If you would like to know more about this, try listening to my BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour (17/01/12 10:00am) interview from

Also check out the Guardian website article, “Costa Concordia: are women still prioritised over men in evacuation procedures?” at: 

g) Panic

I am not going to say anymore about panic, but I refer you to:

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