
Thank you for your interest in the LIFEBID dwelling fire survey!

Whether a little flame or smoke or a larger fire affecting your home, we want to hear about your experiences.

Before you begin, have you read our participant information sheet?

If no, please click here to view or save it.

Start the survey by clicking here

January 2018 update: Please note, the current round of data collection has ended and so the survey is not available at present. More news will follow regarding the next steps for the LIFEBID research on dwelling fires.



What do you mean by a “dwelling fire”?
By “dwelling fire” we mean an incident where any household item (e.g. an appliance, wiring, kitchenware, furniture, bin contents, one’s own clothes, etc.) ignited, emitting smoke and/or flames which, if uncontrolled, could have posed a threat to property or lives.

So, in other words, this could have been a minor incident where you or another occupant put the fire out easily or it could have been a more serious incident where the emergency services got involved. Either way, we would like to hear about your experience.

What happens next?
We will collect data for some time (see News & Updates on the Home page for the schedule for data collection). Once this stage of the project has been completed and the data analysed, we will publish the findings through appropriate forums and media including this website.

How can I provide further feedback about dwelling fires and fire-related research?
If you have any thoughts or questions, either about the survey or on any other issues related to dwelling fire research, then please click here and send us your comments. The survey questions and design have been influenced by feedback from occupants who have undergone fires affecting their homes. So, people like yourselves can not only help us increase our understanding of dwelling fires but also help us improve our methods of research in this area.