Category Archives: Fire
Aviation Accident Survival Rates — Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics
I think that the USA Today article represents an interesting line of inquiry into the issue of survivability in aviation accidents, but I don’t believe that the analysis presented addresses the whole picture and so can be misleading. Continue reading
Kiss Nightclub Tragedy — More Information and some Simplified Analysis
Questions are being raised as to how many people were in the nightclub at the time of the incident. This will become an important issue as the inquiry into the disaster progresses as the level of club occupancy could be used as a factor in contributing to the severity of the disaster and hence in apportioning responsibility.
Another issue that has been raised is whether or not more exits would have made a material difference to the outcome. Given that the nightclub had only a third of the required number of exits, one has to wonder whether this would have made a material difference to the outcome.
To examine these issues I have done some simple analysis based on a number of assumptions and what the media are currently reporting.
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Yet another Nightclub Tragedy — Grief tainted with Anger
The death toll in the Kiss Nightclub fire has risen to 231. It is heart breaking to see so many young faces with promising lives ahead of them snuffed out in seconds. It is even more heartbreaking to learn that this tragic loss of life may have been needless and preventable. As more details of this tragedy begin to emerge, heartbreak turns to anger. While the details are still not known for certain, the more that comes out in the media the more this carnage appears to be no simple accident i.e. an unforeseeable event, but the result of a predictable and preventable failing of Regulation, Enforcement and Management. If so, then immediate measures must be taken to correct the failings in order to ensure a safer Brazil – let this be the legacy of the Kiss victims. Continue reading
Yet another Tragic Nightclub Fire!
Today we hear the news of a tragic nightclub fire in Brazil which has claimed the lives of at least 180 young people, with at least 200 more injured. I would not be surprised if the death toll rises, especially if the occupancy is more than 300. Large crowds, within a confined space, whose walls are clad with combustible PU foam, with limited means of egress, probably in the dark, a number of who are probably intoxicated and then allowing the use of pyrotechnics is a recipe for disaster. Indeed, building regulations and planning permission should not permit such death traps to exist in the first place and enforcement authorities should ensure that they do not occur. Continue reading
FSEG YOUTUBE Channel passes quarter of a million video views
FSEG YOUTUBE Channel achieves quarter of a million video views Continue reading
FSEG at the “Human Behaviour in Fire” 2012 Conference
FSEG will be at the Human Behaviour in Fire conference next week (19-21 Sept 2012) in Cambridge UK and will be presenting 7 papers. Continue reading
Preventable Disaster in Karachi
Modern building design, fire fighting technology, regulation and enforcement should have prevented a fire in a Karachi clothing factory from becoming a disaster.
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FSEG YOUTUBE Channel passes 200,000 views
The FSEG YOUTUBE channel has just passed a major milestone – over 200,000 video views of FSEG featured fire research output! This has been achieved with a presence of just under 3 years on YOUTUBE – Well done to the … Continue reading
Storing Petrol at Home
Given the recent UK government advice concerning storing petrol at home it is worth reviewing the legal and safety advice related to domestic storage of flammable fuels. The storage of petrol or diesel at home is potentially a very dangerous practice. … Continue reading
Stay safe on bonfire night!
Tonight is Bonfire night, follow these guidelines, enjoy the festivities and stay safe! Don’t start your own bonfire, safest way to enjoy the festivities is to go to an organised display. If you are going to set off your own … Continue reading