Project Overview

M34Impact Multi-scale, Multi-disciplinary Modelling for Impact

August 2024 – July 2029

The M34Impact project has received funding from the Expanding Excellence in England (E3) fund of Research England  

UoG awarded funding: £9,080,177 

The Fire Safety Engineering Group are delighted to announce that, from August 2024, we, in partnership with colleagues from the Computational Science & Engineering Group will embark on an ambitious project, with local, national and international significance.    

M34Impact will harness FSEG and CSEG world-leading expertise in computational fire engineering and materials science to the next level by utilising High-Performance Computing (HPC) enhanced with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) for large-scale, interactive real-time simulations.   

Building from our core disciplines, M34Impact will focus and link three cross-cutting themes: Safety and Security (S&S) taking large-scale disaster, fire and evacuation modelling across scales encompassing cityscapes, incorporating real-time interactivity through Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality (VR/MR), and expanding modelling to include two-way dynamic coupling for fire and evacuation; Digital Cities / London (DCL), an emergent theme where interdisciplinary research will develop the evidence-base to protect UK cities/populations from pollution, pathogen dispersal, natural/ anthropogenic disasters and to support policy decisions (e.g., Ultra Low Emission Zones implementation) and Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), focused on lighter, stronger materials for transport and aerospace (targeting recyclability, low waste and energy efficiency).


M3 For Impact Research Themes 

M34Impact Research Themes
The areas for expansion have been selected carefully to reflect UK and international priorities to address rapidly emerging challenges such as the need for energy security, the impact of climate change, the ever-present and growing concerns with physical security and the need for urban resilience and wellbeing. Addressing challenges across all these themes requires a multi-scale approach: climate change is a global issue with local implications such as extreme weather events leading to wildfires; the pandemic has demonstrated how local policy and decisions can have a global impact and at the other end of the scale in manufacturing, microscopic defects can lead to entire aeroengines failing with catastrophic consequences.

M3 For Impact Research Themes 

M34Impact Research Themes
Support for M34Impact has been enthusiastic, highlighting its value and importance. We already have support from 20 organisations, including local communities, business, industry, government and public services, nationally and around the world, who share our excitement for the potential highlighted by the M34Impact project.


Further Information See Press Release

Prof. Ed Galea
Fire Safety Engineering Group
University of Greenwich
Greenwich Maritime Campus
Old Royal Naval College
Queen Mary Building
Greenwich SE10 9LS
Tel: +44 (020) 8331 8730