FSEG short Courses - modes of learning

Learning mode
Live lectures
Live tutorials
Recorded lectures
Recorded tutorials Additional material provided
Face to face
Yes, full set of PPEM/PPFM lectures (classroom delivery)
Yes, full set of PPEM/PPFM tutorials (classroom delivery) Yes Yes Yes Group project (and courseworks if doing an MSc)
Online distance learning
Yes, selected PPEM/PPFM lectures (online delivery)
Yes, selected PPEM/PPFM tutorials (online delivery) Yes Yes Yes Individual project (and courseworks if doing an MSc)
Pre-recorded theoretical material
No No
Yes No No No
Pre-recorded course material  No No  Yes Yes

Face to face



Short Course (face to face option): Principles and Practice of Evacuation Modelling: dates TBC
Short Course (face to face option): Principles and Practice of Fire Modelling: datesTBC



Course cost is UK £1,100 + VAT

Discount for Fire Brigade/Public sector

Cost includes 4-week license for SMARTFIRE/EXODUS software


Places are always limited, to avoid disappointment register your interest NOW.


Sample PPEM and PPFM timetables (subject to change).



All courses are run from our prestigious Greenwich Maritime Site. The site is served by good travel connections.
A range of accommodation is available ranging from Bed and Breakfast style accommodation to hotel accommodation.  The IBIS Hotel is a short walk from the Course Venue.


Online distance learning



Short Course (online distance learning mode): Principles and Practice of Evacuation Modelling: 26 Feb - 1 March 2024
Short Course: (online distance learning mode): Principles and Practice of Fire Modelling: 15-19 Jan 2024


Course cost is UK £1,000 + VAT

Discount for Fire Brigade/Public sector

Cost includes 4-week license for SMARTFIRE/EXODUS software 


Places are always limited, to avoid disappointment register your interest NOW.


Sample PPEM and PPFM timetables (subject to change).


FSEG are proud to offer both the PPEM and PPFM courses entirely in on-line, interactive, “hands-on” distance learning mode.  We successfully ran the full PPEM course in distance learning mode for the first time in April 2020, including the all-important ‘hands-on’ experience of using advanced simulation software, remotely, under the expert guidance from our team.  The delegates experienced a rich learning environment, equal to that of being in the classroom with the FSEG staff.

There are two parts to the courses, the formal lectures, which are delivered by recorded lectures that can be viewed at your leisure for a period of 5 weeks and the interactive tutorial sessions which will are run over 5 day.    


The recorded lectures comprise all the content of theoretical lectures typically delivered in the face to face taught course option (for a list of lecture material click here for PPEM and here for PPFM).  The recorded lectures are available to delegates for a 5 week period, so they can be viewed as many times as required.  Access to the pre-recorded lectures and tutorials is provided prior to the start of the course.  Should delegates have questions concerning the lecture material they can raise them by email and they will be dealt with as soon as possible or during the timetabled ‘hands-on’ tutorial sessions.  You can also visit the online demo of a PPEM lecture to give you some idea of what the recorded lectures look like: click here

Distance learning session - example picture 1
FSEG staff, Dr Steven Deere (top left), Mr Darren Blackshields (bottom left), Dr Hui Xi (bottom right), Prof Ed Galea with PPEM delegate Goran Vizentin a delegate from Croatia


The tutorials are run using Microsoft TEAMs and VMware Horizon virtual desktop, which we provide you access to.  The TEAMs session is used to run the interactive nature of the tutorials, whilst the VMware Horizon virtual desktop is used to provide you with virtual access to run the EXODUS/SMARTFIRE software.  We send you all the documentation required for the tutorials as PDF files via email prior to the start of the course.  The first four days of the interactive tutorial sessions are spent working through the tutorial materials under the guidance and supervision of our expert tutors and the fifth day is spent working on an advanced project.  Each day will run from (PPEM) 09:00 to 16:00 and (PPFM) 10:00 to 16:00 UK time.   

At the start of each tutorial, the lecturer will briefly describe the software features or concepts that will be used in the tutorial.  The lecturer will then run through the entire tutorial, providing oversight of the key steps required to complete the tasks associated with the tutorial.  The lecturer will describe what they are doing, and why, as they go through the demonstration live.  They will share their screen with all the delegates so that they will be able to clearly see each step.  Delegates are free to ask questions during the demonstration session.

Distance learning session - example picture 2
A delegate working through the lift tutorial, images visible on the bottom banner from left to right, PPEM tutor Lazaros Filippidis, delegate from USA, delegate from Croatia, PPEM tutor Dr Steve Deere and Prof Ed Galea

A detailed recording of each tutorial demonstration is also available for each delegate to review in their own time as often as required over a 5 week period.  Once the lecturer has completed the demonstration, each delegate will be invited to start the tutorial using the software provided on the virtual desktop (using VMware) and following the instructions provided on the tutorial sheets.  The tutors will assist you should you have problems or questions in completing the tutorial.

Access to EXODUS/SMARTFIRE software
Your access to the software via the VMware virtual desktop will be for a period of 4 weeks in total, one week during the course and for the three weeks following the course.

Delegate experience
The first running of the PPEM course involved delegates from the UK, Central Europe and the West Coast USA, spanning an 8 hour time difference! All the delegates were very satisfied with their experience on the course, saying they would not hesitate to recommend it to others. Delegates made the following comments in their course questionnaire:

‘The TEAMS environment was great once I could get into it.’

‘The technical aspect of the communication, lectures and presentations given was perfectly organized; the remote access to the software was without any lag or any kind of difficulties; the support and response to the delegate’s questions from your side was excellent and quick.’

‘The discussions we all had were very educational. It was a great opportunity for me to learn a lot.’

‘Very enjoyable course I’ve been a fire safety professional for 19 years and I still learnt loads about human behaviour which will give me better insight when doing my analysis around ASET/RSET.’

‘I found the staff to be proactive, pleasant, and very helpful.’

‘To conclude, a big thanks to …. Everybody involved in preparation of the course, for a great get-together and working week.’

In response to specific questions, delegates responded as follows: 

(1) How would you rate the learning experience?
Options: excellent, very good, OK, poor, very poor.
RESPONSE:  67% Excellent, 33% Very Good

(2) Did you have to wait too long before getting assistance with the tutorials?

(3) How satisfied were you with the overall experience?
Options: exceeded expectations, very good, as expected, expected better, very dissatisfied.
RESPONSE: 67% Exceeded expectations, 33% Very Good

(4) Would you recommend the distance learning delivery mode to others?
RESPONSE: 100% of delegates said YES


In this video, FSEG staff member, Dr Steve Deere is assisting a PPEM 2020 delegate with an issue he has with the course project. The delegate explains the problem and Dr Deere takes control of the delegates virtual desktop and demonstrates how to address the problem. Dr Deere is controlling the mouse on the delegates virtual desktop, showing him how to modify the scenario to achieve his aims. It is as if they were in the same room with Dr Deere looking over the delegates shoulder showing him what to do. PPEM 2020 was a great success demonstrating that we can run complex 'hands-on' software based courses remotely.

Pre-recorded theoretical material


Can’t attend these courses? Would you like a course refresher? The lecture component of both courses are also available NOW via the internet. On-line pre-recorded theoretical material consists of digital recordings of PowerPoint slides with explanatory audio for each slide. Access is provided for a period of 4 weeks.

A demonstration of the quality of  the recorded lectures can be found at: Example Lecture


Cost is UK £400 + VAT

Access to the online material is for 4 weeks 

Extra options: Option 1: Purchase of hard copy of course lecture notes. UK £100

Option 2: Purchase of hard copy of course lecture notes and selected printed hand outs (selection of papers and tutorial sheets). UK £130

 Option 3: Purchase of one month trial license of course software. UK £200


PPEM and PPFM list of lectures (subject to change).


For more information, please send an email to FSEGadmin@gre.ac.uk


Pre-recorded course material


Can’t attend these courses? Would you like a course refresher? The lectures and tutorials of both courses are also available NOW via the internet. On-line pre-recorded course material consists of digital recordings of PowerPoint slides with explanatory audio for each slide. Access is provided for a period of 4 weeks.

A demonstration of the quality of  the recorded lectures can be found at: Example Lecture 


Cost is UK £600 + VAT 

Access to the online material is for 4 weeks 


PPEM and PPFM list of lectures and tutorials (subject to change).


For more information, please send an email to FSEGadmin@gre.ac.uk