As part of the validation of the full FIREDASS computer model, a number of the full scale tests carried out in the DLR test compartment were simulated and the predicted and measured results compared. Animations of the results of two of these simulations are presented here. The simulations were generated using the FIREDASS CFD software. This includes the fire model, detection-activation model, spray model and suppression model.
Fire only. QuickTime Movie. [940KB].
This animation shows the results of the simulation of the test in which three boxes were burned in the centre of the compartment with the misting system inactive. Symmetry was taken advantage of and only a quarter of the compartment simulated.
Fire + detection-activation
system + misting system. QuickTime Movie.
This animation shows the results of the simulation of the same case as before but with the detection-activation and misting systems active. The animation shows the heat from the boxes building with time until the detection-activation system activates the misting system. This then pulses on and off in response to the fire and the internal logic of the detection-activation system. By comparing the two animations the effect of the misting system can be clearly seen.