media coverage archive


These pages are an archive of world wide media coverage generated by FSEG activities. Please note that some of the links may no longer exist.


(A) Aviation and Maritime coverage
(B) Buildings and Pedestrian Dynamics coverage
(C) Electronic


A) Aviation and Maritime coverage: back

This section lists all current media coverage concerning FSEG activities in the Aviation and Maritime sectors.

[11 Jan 2009] PARADE MAGAZINE online
You can survive!
Discussion on aircraft accident survival statistics.

[23 Dec 2008] MACHINERY & MATERIALS World Industry News Online
“Flying wing” – aircraft of the future – can be evacuated safely
Discussion of flying wing evacuation modelling results (English Version) (Chinese Version)

[15 Dec 2008] UKTI
Aircraft could be the aviation transport of the future
Discussion of the evacuation potential of the flying wing aircraft using airEXODUS

[Nov 2008] Aerosafety World
Discussion of AASK database findings on evacuation safety.

[25 Oct – 7 Nov 2008] TV14
Wie uberlebe ich einen Flugzeugabsturz?
Discussion of aircraft evacuation.

[Oct 2008] Glamor Magazine
This page could save your life!

[16 Sept 2008] Spiegel
Aircraft evacuation (in German)
Droht Feuer, zahlt jede Sekunde
Description of aircraft evacuation research,1518,578197,00.html

[9-15 and 23-29 Sept 2008] Flight International Letters
“Real Life Feedback is vital” and “Data will make evacuation safer”

[16 Sept 2008] Speigal Online
Droht Feuer, Zahlt jede Sekunde (in German)

[Sept 2008] Technology Review
Prof Galea discussions aircraft evacuation modelling research at FSEG (in German)

[31 August 2008] KURIER
Wie man einen Flugzeug-Crash (in German)

[27 Aug 2008] Flightglobal
Get-out clause
Discussion on aircraft evacuation modelling

[26 Aug – 1 Sept 2008] Flight International
Cover feature on aircraft evacuation simulation.

[28 Aug 2008] Flightglobal
Evacuation modelling points the way forward
Discussion of aircraft evacuation simulation using airEXODUS

[25 July 2008] Wall Street Journal
Two experts offer takes on airline panic
Discussion on aircraft safety with Prof Galea

[15-21 July 2008] Flight International
Researchers evacuate BWB in 90 seconds

[14-27 July 2008] The Engineer
Simulated Safety

[09 July 2008] Flightglobal
BWB can be evacuated in 90s say academics
Discussion of fire and evacuation analysis of flying wing aircraft

[09 July 2008] Innovations Report
University of Greenwich scientists address evacuation concerns over futuristic flying wing aircraft
Discussion of fire and evacuation analysis of flying wing aircraft

[30 June 2008] Amanda Ripley
The safest seat on an airplanes
Discussion of findings of AASK aircraft accident database

[27 June 2008] Daily Mail
Plane survival lottery
Discussion of findings of AASK aircraft accident database

[31 Mar 2008]
How to survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on AASK database findings,26058,23460386-36335,00.html

[30 Mar 2008]
How to survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on AASK database findings,21598,23460386-5013357,00.html

[01 May 2007] Flight Internationals Kieran Daly blog
I hope that extraordinary video of the A380 evacuation trial is the last one we ever see
Aircraft evacuation and FSEG EXODUS software

[17 Jan 2007] ABC News USA
Staying alive during a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on surviving aircraft crashes based on AASK database findings

[05 Oct 2006] BBC Arabic News
How to survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on surviving aircraft crashes based on AASK database findings

[04 Oct 2006] AM programme
90 percent of plane crashes survivable
ABC Radio interview with Prof Ed Galea discussing findings from AASK database

[04 Oct 2006] The Sun
How to survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on surviving aircraft crashes based on AASK database findings

[03 Oct 2006] BBC NEWS24
Prof Galea discusses how to survive a plane crash.

3.43 mins video
7.43 MB file size

[03 Oct 2006] BBC News
How to survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on surviving aircraft crashes based on AASK database findings

[01 Oct 2006] The Independent
Official: How you can survive a plane crash
Prof Galea comments on surviving aircraft crashes based on AASK database findings

[23 July 2004] MWP
Exit Strategy
Prof Galea describes the work of FSEG

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B) Buildings and Pedestrian Dynamics coverage coverage: back

This section lists all current media coverage concerning FSEG activities in the Building sector.

[26 Dec 2008] Disasterprepared
Evidence of survivors of 9/11 will help save lives in future high rise evacuations
Discussion of results from WTC HEED project

[Autumn 2008] EPSRC Pioneer
Survivors’ Stories
Discussion of EPSRC WTC project HEED

[06 Dec 2008] The National
Fears remain over crowd control
Discussion on Hajj crowd issues

[21 Nov 2008] Kenplatz
Using Escalators (in Japanese)
Discusses FSEG research on escalators

[Oct 2008] Fire Safety Engineering, Letter
Blind panic cannot be linked to cultural stereotypes

[Oct 2008] Glamor Magazine
This page could save your life!

[Oct 2008] Fire Safety Engineering
Assumptions on evacuation times are too optimistic says new study

[17 Sept 2008] Mercury
WTC study

[17 Sept 2008] Newshopper
Study reveals worker delays in 9/11 exodus

[11 Sept 2008] THE WORLD
US public radio coverage of 9/11 research

Click here to listen to the mp3 recording

[11 Sept 2008] Soitu
9/11 findings (in Spanish)
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[11 Sept 2008] Health news blog
Evidence of survivors of 9/11 will help save lives in future high rise evacuations
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[11 Sept 2008] Scientific American
9/11 survivors describe escapes in bid for safer skyscraper construction
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[11 Sept 2008] East Coast Radio
Anniversary of 9-11 attacks
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[11 Sept 2008] Guardian
9/11 survivors put off evacuation to shut down computers, study finds
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[11 Sept 2008] Science Daily
Evidence of survivors of 9/11 will help save lives in future high rise evacuations
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[10 Sept 2008] 9 News
Majority of 9/11 survivors delayed evacuation
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[10 Sept 2008] NURS
People need to be trained to not delay evacuation
Report on findings of WTC HEED project

[June 2008] Fire Safety Engineering
New European research on evacuation behaviour
Description of start of new EU project BeSeCu to study cultural links to evacuation

[29 May 2008] Innovations Report
Do people from different countries behave differently in a crisis?
Description of start of new EU project BeSeCu to study cultural links to evacuation

[30 May 2008] The Engineer
EU funds disaster modelling project
Description of start of new EU project BeSeCu to study cultural links to evacuation

[29 Jan 2008] Radio 4 File on Four
Hospital Fire Safety
Transcript of programme with interview with Prof Ed Galea

NOVA web site
Pioneers of Survival
Interview with Prof Galea concerning fire and evacuation modelling

[08 Sept 2006] FMNN
New Yorkers not prepared for disaster
Report from Aftershock symp discussion with Prof Galea

[31 August 2006] Architectural Record
Interviews drive ongoing WTC evacuation study
Prof Galea comments on WTC project HEED

[11 July 2006] New Shopper
Professor to quiz 9/11 survivors
Prof Galea comments on WTC project HEED

[13 Jan 2006] NewScientist
Hajj crowd-pressure must be eased to avoid tragedy
Prof Galea comments on Hajj bridge

[04 Nov 2005] Taipei Times
Study seeks safer evacuation plans
Report on FSEG WTC study for the ODPM BDAG committee

[02 Nov 2005] Bexley Times
9/11 Horror findings
Report on FSEG WTC study for the ODPM BDAG committee
 WeED02 Nov 2005 17:14:04:730

[30 Oct 2005] "The Observer" Sunday
Warning over skyscrapers' deadly faults
British scientists call for design rethink as 9/11 study reveals catalogue of errors
Report on FSEG WTC study for the ODPM BDAG committee

[13 Sept 2001] AM programme
Death toll estimate rises into thousands
ABC Radio interview with Prof Ed Galea discussing WTC evacuation.


Electronic Media coverage: back

[03/08/2000] BBC RADIO 4: Programme: The Material World. Prof Galea interviewed concerning EXODUS evacuation model and fire modelling applications in building design.

Channel 5 and TLC: Programme: Into the FLAMES II, Fire at Sea Prof Galea interviewed concerning ship evacuation.

BBC RADIO 4: Programme: TODAY. Prof Galea was interviewed concerning Ladbroke Grove rail crash.

SKY TV: Programme: FAQ. Prof Galea was interviewed concerning the buildingEXODUS and SMARTFIRE models.

BBC 1: Programme: Tomorrows World “Survival Special”. Prof Galea was interviewed concerning the buildingEXODUS model.

CHANNEL 4: Programme: DISPATCHES “A Matter of Life and Death”. Prof Galea was the technical consultant for the programme and appeared commenting about evacuation from rail vehicles.

CHANNEL 5 and TLC: Programme: Into the FLAMES II. Prof Galea was the technical consultant for this series consisting of three one hour documentaries concerned with fire safety.

CHANNEL 4: Programme: “Don’t Panic”, part of the “BLAZE” series. Broadcast June 1999. Also covered in a book by Nicholas Faith published by Channel 4 called “Blaze: the Forensics of Fire.”

BBC 1 and TLC: Programme: “Fire”, part of the “ESCAPE” series.

Prof Galea appeared on the BBC 1 television documentary series ESCAPE (first broadcast 14th October 1998) describing the fire and evacuation modelling research currently underway at FSEG.

Prof Galea appeared on the BBC Radio 4 documentary series State of Emergency (first broadcast 8th July and 2nd August 1998) commenting on human behaviour during evacuation and describing the research work of FSEG in this area.

BBC RADIO 5: Programme: The Formula. Interview with Prof Galea concerning evacuation modelling.

BBC RADIO 4: Programme: State of Emergency. Interview with Prof Galea concerning EXODUS and applications.

BBC RADIO 4: Programme: State of Emergency. Interview with Prof Galea concerning EXODUS and applications.

CHANNEL 5 and TLC: Programme: Into the FLAMES. Prof Galea was the technical consultant for this series consisting of three one hour documentaries concerned with fire safety (Fire in the Sky, Fire in the City and Forest Fire). May – September 1998.

DEUTSCHLANDFUNK (German National Radio): Interview with Prof Galea concerning the EXODUS model and Fire Safety Engineering. Broadcast 13th March and 22nd March 1998.

BBC World service "New Ideas" broadcast on the 25th Feb'97 interview concerning FSEG projects, SMARTFIRE, SPRINKLER, and EXODUS
the interview in aiff sound format, 2.4Mbytes
the interview in wave sound format, 2.4Mbytes

FSEG acknowledges the copyright of this broadcast to the BBC World service

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