These pages contain an archive of NEWS concerning FSEG
activities. As in the NEWS section, information is arranged under two headings,
(A) Software News Archive
(B) Research News
(C) Press release Archive
(A) Software News
This section lists all news
concerning FSEG software products.
[21/12/2020] maritimeEXODUS v6.0 IS NOW AVAILABLE!
- New Functionality Features (Levels A, B and C)
- Lift Model.
maritimeEXODUS now has the ability to simulate people
movement between decks using lifts. This is particularly
useful for circulation scenarios. Attributes of each lift
are user defined. Agents can call a lift and select
destination floors.
- Lift Itineraries.
Two new itineraries have been created enabling agents to
interact with lifts. These enable the user to specify how
the agents use the lifts and their behaviour while waiting
for lifts.
- IMO Convergence Criteria.
maritimeEXODUS employs a form of significance testing to
determine whether the estimate of the population 95th
percentile value is significantly lower (pass) or
significantly higher (fail) than the pass/fail time. The
design passes if the upper confidence interval assembly time
is less than the pass/fail time and will fail if the lower
confidence interval assembly time is greater than the
pass/fail time. The process is run until convergence or
divergence or until 500 simulations have been performed
(satisfying the IMO requirement). This potentially reduces
the number of simulations that is required for the IMO
evacuation analysis. Simulations can be run via either batch
mode or SFE commands.
[29/08/2018] maritimeEXODUS v5.2 IS NOW AVAILABLE!
- New Functionality Features (Levels A, B and C)
- Saving geometry boundaries as CAD DXF files.
maritimeEXODUS now has the ability to save the boundaries of specific decks as CAD DXF files. Each deck can be saved in a format which enables it to be imported into third party software (i.e. CFD fire modelling software, 3D visualisation software etc.).
- Enhanced Abandonment Phase Capabilities
maritimeEXODUS has new options making the movement of agents between the AS and the LSAs more flexible. These new capabilities and options include; defining when the abandonment phase starts
e.g. once the overall assembly is completed or when the assembly process is partially completed, etc., and how the agents are sent to the LSAs
e.g. in groups of specified sizes, once a percentage of the previous group has boarded the LSA, etc.
- User interface (Levels A, B and C):
- Updated Data Output Options Dialogue Box
The format of the Data Output Options dialogue box has been updated and simplified. The output data attributes have been grouped and separated onto different tabs. Additional attributes have been included in the output list.
- Hazard Model (Level C Only)
- There are a number of improvements to the Hazard model:
- Updated HCN Model
The toxicity model defining the effect of HCN on agents within EXODUS has been updated in order to ensure compatibility with the most recent version presented in the SFPE Handbook, 5th Edition.
- Updated Default VCO2*RMV Cap
The cap on VCO2*RMV has been decreased to 70 lit/min.
- Updated the Default PID Distribution (FICO equation)
There are three options available for setting the PID:
- SFPE PID (Distribution) – Default Option:
PID assigned from the distribution defined within the SFPE Handbook (5th Edition) – values between 5% and 45%.
- Fixed Value PID:
Each member of the population is assigned the same single value for PID. The default value is 30% COHb,
- User Defined PID:
PID determined by the user. This requires the user to populate a distribution table similar to that in option 1.
- New Irritant Model Parameter, Tolerance Factor (TF)
The TF attribute is a measure of the concentration of irritant gas (ppm) required to cause a given endpoint and is used in the FIC model. A TF is specified for each irritant agent considered in the model e.g. TFHCL.
- Updated Agent Irritant Tolerance Concentration Model (FIC)
End points of escape impairment and incapacitation due to irritant concentrations can now be specified. The lower threshold of escape impairment being the new default setting. Furthermore, there are now five methods for assigning the TF, with the endpoints being either Escape Impairment or Incapacitation.
- SFPE Escape Impaired (Distribution) – Default Option:
TF randomly assigned for each irritant gas from an assumed distribution based on data defined in the SFPE Handbook for Escape Impairment.
- SFPE Escape Impaired (Fixed):
A fixed TF for each irritant gas corresponding to the SFPE Escape Impaired mean values is assigned, the same value is used for each member of the population.
- SFPE Incapacitation (Fixed):
A fixed TF for each irritant gas corresponding to the SFPE Incapacitation mean values is assigned, the same value is used for each member of the population.
- ISO 13571 Incapacitation (Fixed):
A fixed TF for each irritant gas corresponding to the ISO 13571 Incapacitation mean values is assigned, the same value is sued for each member of the population.
- User Defined:
A user specified TF is used for each irritant. This can either be a fixed value, a range or a distribution.
- New Irritant Model Parameter, Critical Irritant Incapacitation Factor (CIIF)
The CIIF is a new parameter introduced due to the introduction of the new FIC option of Escape Impairment. The CIIF attribute defines the FIC value required to cause incapacitation. When the Escape Impairment option is used CIIF = 4.5.
- New Irritant Model Parameter, Critical Dose (CD)
The CD attribute is a measure of the dose of irritant gas (ppm.min) required to cause a given endpoint and is used in the FLD model. The endpoint is considered to be fatality, but there are three different CD values that can be used depending on the FLD model used. A CD value is required for each irritant agent considered e.g. CDHCL.
- Updated Agent Irritant Tolerance Dose Model (FLD)
In the new version of maritimeEXODUS FLD has no impact on an agent’s ability to evacuate but can be used to assess the likelihood of the exposed agent surviving post evacuation. In the new release there are three options for assigning the CDx values.
- SFPE FLD Critical Dose – Default Option:
CD for each irritant gas is specified as in the SFPE Handbook, the same value is used for each member of the population. This is based on mean values that are likely to cause fatality in 50% of the population.
- AEGL-3 FLD Critical Dose:
CD for each irritant gas is specified from the AEGL-3 distribution specified in the SFPE Handbook, the same value is used for each member of the population.
- User Defined FLD Critical Dose:
A user specified CD is used for each irritant.
- New Heat Model Parameter, Radiant Heat Threshold (RHT)
RHT (KW/m2) is a user defined parameter below which the FIHr is not calculated. The default value is 1.7 KW/m2.
- Revisions to User Manual
- Update to the Manual
The user manual has been altered to reflect the changes specified above.
- New Benchmark Case
The user manual has been updated to include and demonstrate compliance with the additional benchmarking test case in the latest IMO regulatory guidelines (IMO MSC CIRC. 1533).
- New Geometry Input Features:
- buildingEXODUS now has the ability to import
geometry specification from a wider variety of Third Party
sources. A Third Party Extras Library has been
developed allowing users to import the boundaries of
structures directly from existing geometries built in third
party software including:
- CAD systems i.e. .DXF,
- BIM (Building Information Modelling) i.e. .IFC,
- SMARTFIRE CFD geometries i.e. .SMF
- FDS CFD geometries i.e. .FDS.
The new feature enables greater
flexibility/control by allowing users to delete specific Layers, Blocks
or Entities (i.e. lines, polylines, arcs etc.). The user can also delete
objects within the DXF file of a given colour.
- User interface:
- Manipulating the View of a Given Floor via the
Using the mouse right click within a given
geometry window allows the user to drag the contents of that
window around, thereby changing their view of the given
- Output:
- Enhanced Representation of Lift Movement within
the 3D View
The representation of lifts within
the 3D View has been enhanced so that they are drawn at
their exact position, as opposed to merely appearing at each
floor. This enables the respective acceleration/deceleration
of each lift to be more clearly observed, producing a more
fluid representation of the lift movement.
- Quicker Generation of Simulation Data within
the Output Tab of the Data Window
The time
taken to output simulation data within the Output tab of
the Data Window has been significantly reduced, removing
the delay previously encountered while data from large
simulations was being output. There is no longer a
restriction on the number of lines of data that can be
displayed within the Output tab. ALL data from each
simulation is now displayed within the Output tab.
- SFE Command to Generate a Simulation Output
File (.SIM)
A new SFE command has been added
(i.e. DumpResults) allowing the generation of a simulation
output file (*.sim) containing the results for the last
run simulation. This command can be used if the user
initially stated that the generation and saving of the
results was not required and if the simulation was run
from a replay file.
- Updated Dongle Drivers for Windows 10
- The dongle drivers for buildingEXODUS have been updated
to be compatible with Windows 10.
[26/09/2014] buildingEXODUS v6.1 IS NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of buildingEXODUS V6.1 incorporates several new modelling features associated with
the use of lifts and a number of improvements to the user interface.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- New Lift/Elevator Model Features:
- Shuttle Floor Return option: This allows the specification of whether or not evacuation lifts
assigned Shuttle Floor procedures will return to pick-up floors after they have previously been cleared.
- Sky Lobby Up Floors option: This allows the specification of the number of floors an agent is prepared to
travel in the up-direction to reach a sky lobby lift.
- Agents Waiting For Lifts: The method by which agents wait for lifts has been updated. Now upon arriving at a lift bank catchment area each agent is randomly assigned to wait in
front of (i.e. within the catchment area of) one of the active lifts within the lift bank.
- User interface:
- Display of Lift Shafts within the 3D View Window: The 3D View window enables the user to both turn on/off the display of Lifts Shafts or alternatively display the
Lift Shafts in a transparent manner.
- Hardware Graphics Acceleration Option for the 3D View Window: The 3D View window provides an option that determines whether or not the objects to be drawn within the 3D View window are copied into the memory of the graphics card. If enabled the graphics card merely needs to access its own memory in order to obtain the location and type of each object and then draw it within the 3D View.
This process is typically very fast.
- Transparent Floor Polygons within the 3D View Window: The 3D View window enable the user to display the polygons defining each floor in a transparent manner.
- Updated Speed Control Functionality: This allows the user to more accurately control the speed at which the simulation will run relative to real time.
In addition, the speed at which the simulation is currently running relative to real time is now output to the toolbar during run time.
- Improved Frame Rate of the User Interface: The code has been updated to ensure redundant frames are no longer drawn within the
user interface, thereby enabling simulations to run faster.
- Output:
- Lift/Elevator Related: buildingEXODUS now automatically outputs within the simulation output file (*.SIM)
the total number of lift journeys each agent took during the simulation.
[20/08/2014] maritimeEXODUS v5.1 IS
The release of maritimeEXODUS V5.1 incorporated a number of additions and alterations that are designed to make the software more
user-friendly, more efficient and more applicable.
Substantial additions to the software include:
Changes to the way in which Non-Irritant Smoke Affects Agent Agility (Level C only)
- The Toxicity model has been modified to ensure that non-irritant smoke no longer affects the Agility of agents during simulations.
Non-irritant smoke causes visual obscuration only and hence affects only an agent’s travel speed.
Integrated Help Facility
- The maritimeEXODUS User Guide is now available in a CHM Windows help file format enabling the user to view/search the maritimeEXODUS
User Guide directly from within maritimeEXODUS itself.
Continue with Abandonment Functionality Updated
- This feature has been updated to enable the user to define the percentage of agents that are required to have successfully assembled before the abandonment phase can commence.
This enables the abandonment phase to commence before all agents have assembled.
Speed Control Functionality Updated
- This feature has been updated to enable the user to accurately control the speed at which the simulation will run relative to real time.
The speed at which the simulation is currently running relative to real time is output to the toolbar during run time.
User Interface
- Integrated OpenGL 3D View (Levels B and C only)
- Enables a three dimensional representation of the geometry to be viewed directly from within maritimeEXODUS.
- Tabbed Menu Bar
- Allows the user to more quickly and easily switch between each of the four modes within maritimeEXODUS.
- Deck Heights dialogue box
- Allows the user to both view and define the heights of each deck within the structure/vessel, enabling deck heights to be more easily managed.
- Enhanced Panel Populate dialogue box
- Allows specific regions of the vessel to be populated e.g. within a user defined Compartment zone or alternatively allocating the population
within specific decks.
- Muster Station Terminology Change
- Muster Stations have now been renamed as Assembly Stations, both throughout maritimeEXODUS and its associated documentation. Similarly, the act of mustering is now referred to as assembling etc.
This change was made to ensure consistency with the terminology used by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
- Restructuring of the maritimeEXODUS Manual
- The existing maritimeEXODUS manual has been completely restructured and broken down into three separate documents, namely the User Guide, Theory Manual and Application Manual. Each of the documents are available in PDF format on the maritimeEXODUS installation CD.
In addition, the User Guide is also available in a CHM Windows help file format, which is directly accessible from within maritimeEXODUS itself.
maritimeEXODUS software architecture
- Windows 8.1 Support for Dongles
[11/11/2013] buildingEXODUS v6.0 IS NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of buildingEXODUS V6.0 incorporates significant
new modelling features allowing for the first time the simulation of
evacuation and circulation in buildings using lifts/elevators.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- Lift/Elevator Model: A lift/elevator model
has been added to buildingEXODUS to enable lifts within
structures to be accurately represented for both evacuation and
circulation scenarios. The model requires a set of lift
attributes (i.e. dimensions, capacity, kinematics, etc.) to be
specified and human behaviour characteristics and lift dispatch
commands that are both dependent on whether an evacuation or
circulation scenario is being simulated.
- For Evacuation Scenarios: Three types
of lift floor sequences are available enabling the user to
specify virtually any type of lift evacuation strategy;
Floor Sequence, Shuttle Floor Sequence and Sky Lobby
Sequence. There is also a range of human behaviour
attributes to specify such as the percentage of the
population likely to use the lift, probability distribution
for lift wait times and probability distribution for
acceptable population lift wait area population density.
Default values based on an FSEG international lift
evacuation study are specified for these attributes.
- For Circulation Scenarios: A lift
dispatch algorithm based on the Estimated Time To
Destination, utilising the Closs rules is implemented which
determines the optimal lift to dispatch to a floor call.
Agents wait for the lift until it arrives.
- Lift Itineraries: Two new itineraries have
been created (i.e. Lift Bank and Lift Wait) to enable agents to
interact with lifts. These itineraries enable not only the use
of lifts but also control the behaviour of agents when waiting
for a lift or their desire to redirect from the lift due to
either excessive wait times or congestion within the lift
waiting area.
- Integrated OpenGL 3D View (Levels B and C only):
Enables a rudimentary three dimensional representation of the
geometry to be viewed directly from within buildingEXODUS during
- Multithreaded: buildingEXODUS is now
multithreaded, reducing run times for large jobs.
- User Interface: The interface now has a
tabbed menu bar allowing the user to more rapidly switch between
operation modes. There are also a range of new menus and
dialogue boxes associated with the use of lifts.
- Output: A range of new output variables
have been defined to measure the performance of agents using
lifts such as the number of agents to use lifts, number of lift
journeys, distance travelled using lifts, etc. askEXODUS has
been expanded to accommodate lift data and the buildingEXODUS to
vrEXODUS has been modified to enable agent movement between
floors to be represented.
[01/08/2013] buildingEXODUS v5.1 and vrEXODUS v5.1.3 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of buildingEXODUS V5.1 incorporated several new and enhanced features, a new price structure and incorporated an all new askEXODUS software tool.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- Enhanced Itineraries: Three powerful new itineraries have been included in the itinerary capability;
Collect Person, Drop Off Person and Coordinated Delay.
- The Collect Person functionality allows an agent (or group of agents) to collect another agent at a pre-defined location and then move off as a group.
- The Drop Off Person functionality conversely allows an agent (or group of agents) to drop off a previously collected agent at a given location.
- The Coordinated Delay functionality allows a group of people to experience a simultaneous delay at a pre-defined location. This can be used to represent the time taken by staff to undertake collaborative actions such as preparing a vulnerable/mobility impaired individual for evacuation.
- Extended Metered Gate Model: By default buildingEXODUS now enables the modelling of both ticket gates and turnstiles. In each case, the movement of agents through the metered gate can now be modelled either via a flow rate applied to the device or by the imposing of time delays both to enter and traverse the device. The enhancement of the metered gate model enables a wider variety of devices to be modelled. A set of movement data for metered gates is also provided.
- CHM Help Facility: buildingEXODUS now has an interactive help facility making it easier to use the software.
- askEXODUS v5.0.0: The askEXODUS data analysis tool has been completely rewritten and provides enhanced functionality and an improved and more intuitive user interface. This includes the ability to browse the specific data within each of the selected simulation files, and also to extract user defined attributes which can then either be saved or copied and pasted directly into third party spreadsheets for further analysis or the generation of graphs.
- vr Floor Tiles: It is now possible to define/manipulate the floor tile defining floor area of each floor within vrEXODUS. Using this approach the floor tile of each floor can be defined by the outline of each floor thus greatly enhancing the appearance of the model, rather than simply being represented via a rectangle as was the case in previous versions.
- vr Floor Tile Edit: Within Geometry Mode of buildingEXODUS, it is now possible to delete areas from within the floor tiles, thereby creating holes within the floor tiles to enable the representation of stairwells or areas where balconies overlook lower floors, thereby greatly enhancing the model appearance within vrEXODUS.
- vrEXODUS v5.1.3: An updated version of the vrEXODUS is available allowing the manipulation of the new floor tiles and the graphical depiction of metered gates.
- New 3 level price structure: A flexible three level price structure has been introduced giving the user greater flexibility in the choice of features they have access to.
[01/07/2013] SMARTFIRE v4.2 IS NOW
The release of SMARTFIRE V4.2 incorporated a number of
additions and alterations that are designed to make the
software more user-friendly, more efficient and more
Major new developments include:
Scenario Designer: Now has the
ability of exporting a compatible buildingEXODUS
geometry. The tool also offers enhanced handling of
hazard volume creation which greatly simplifies the
process of defining CFD to Evacuation hazard data
Parallel SMARTFIRE: The parallel
implementation has been updated with a new x64 bit
version and various efficiency, memory handling and
reliability fixes to improve processing and IO
Case Specification Environment: Now
supports grouped objects, which can greatly assist in
the construction of complex geometries that contain
repeated objects.
DataView Tool: Now allows multiple
cut-planes of vectors and contours, as well as adding
surface visualisation of scalar data and burning
surfaces. DataView has also been extended to x64 bit so
that larger data sets can be visualised. The tool also
now saves animations in AVI format.
SMARTFIRE CFD Engine: Supports the
prediction of HCN. This is computed, using the LER
concept, from the combustion parameters. The CFD Engine
also now has an x64 bit version to be able to handle
larger cell budgets.
Interactive Meshing System: Now
provides optimisation of the mesh at mesh generation
time. This means that optimised meshes can easily be
used in Parallel simulations.
Improved features:
- Scenario Designer: Now has
construction lines to assist with room and object
alignment and a new capability to allow “align to grid”.
- Case Specification Environment: Now
supports INLET objects with a Pressure against Velocity
formulation. This allows inlets to stall under high
back-pressure situations.
- Interactive Meshing System: Allows
the user to specify the maximum mesh budget prior to
- SMARTFIRE CFD Engine: Supports CSV
output for formerly space delimited results files and
tables. These are more easily imported into spreadsheet
- FILE FORMAT: The large results file
format VTK files have now been changed to the faster
loading and smaller VTU files (about 1/3rd of the
original size). SMARTFIRE still saves VTK files at
present but these are then converted to VTU.
- MONITOR POINTS: Added FED calculation
to monitoring probes so the survivability estimates can
be made directly from the fire simulation.
[01/06/2013]maritimeEXODUS v5.0 IS
The release of maritimeEXODUS V5.0 incorporated a large
number of additions and alterations that are designed to
make the software more user-friendly, more efficient and
more applicable.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- Defining Evacuation Routes From Assembly
Stations to LSAs: The assembly procedure has
been expanded to enable the definition of specific
routes from assembly station to designated LSA.
- Assembly Station Zones: Now possible
to define the area represented by assembly stations as a
user defined region.
- SAFEGUARD Heel and Trim Model: The
existing heel and trim models expanded to include the
proposed IMO heel and trim mobility reduction factors
developed as part of the EU FP7 SAFEGUARD project.
- Integrated IMO Populations: The IMO
MSC 1238 night and day passenger and crew populations
have been directly integrated into the maritimeEXODUS
population editor.
- Continue with Abandonment: This
function allows the abandonment phase to commence once
the assembly phase has been completed.
- Stair Transit Node: Stairs can now be
defined using transit nodes.
- Enhanced Itineraries: A number of new
tasks have been introduced to expand the flexibility of
the itinerary system.
- Enhanced Signage: Agent’s
understanding of the routes available can now be
influenced by the signs available within the geometry.
- EXODUS Script File: Enable the user
to manage the use of maritimeEXODUS via command line
- 64 Bit Implementation: Both 32 and 64
bit implementations are available enabling very large
simulations to be run using the 64 bit implementation.
A list of these new features and modifications found in
version 5.0 is provided below:
- Stair Transit Nodes
- Stairs can now be defined using transit nodes.
This allows the user to manage the use and
representation of the components locally, and also
manage the manner in which these components are
selected by arriving agents.
- Enhanced Itineraries
- A number of new tasks have been introduced to
expand the flexibility of the itinerary system,
including: waiting, enhanced delay, agent removal,
signage interaction, etc.
- Enhanced Signage
- Agent’s understanding of the routes available can
now be influenced by signage. Agent interaction with
the signs is simulated to represent whether the
agent sees the sign and then whether they use the
information available. Recovery behaviours are also
provided, should agents fail to find the next sign
in the chain to the target.
- Defining Evacuation Routes From Assembly Stations to
- Now possible to define specific routes from
assembly station to designated LSA.
- Assembly Station Zones
- The assembly procedure has been expanded to enable
the definition of the area represented by assembly
stations. This enables greater control over the
definition of assembly stations.
- SAFEGUARD Heel and Trim Model
- The existing heel and trim models (i.e. SHEBA and
TNO) have been expanded to further include the
proposed IMO heel and trim mobility reduction
factors developed as part of the EU FP7 SAFEGUARD
- Integrated IMO Populations
- The IMO MSC 1238 night and day passenger and crew
populations have been directly integrated into the
maritimeEXODUS population editor.
- Continue with Abandonment
- The simulation can continue after the assembly
phase has been completed. This enables these the
abandonment phase to modelled separately from the
assembly phase. The enables the time to complete
each phase to be determined.
Data and Statistics Collection
- Census Lines
Allow the number of agents moving between user defined
regions in a given direction to be output throughout the
User Interface
- Tabbed dialogue boxes
- Simplify presentation of certain dialogue boxes
and simplify user access; e.g. Behavioural Options.
- EXODUS Script File
- Enables the user to manage the use of
maritimeEXODUS via command line functionality.
- Potential Assignment
- Allows the potential values of both internal exits
and LSAs to be modified from a single dialogue box,
enabling potentials to be more easily managed.
- Expansion of Analysis Control functionality
- Now allows different conditions to be represented,
including the interaction between agents and
- Auto Find Compartments
- Enables Compartment Zones to be automatically
generated for data collection.
- Signage related
- Enables the impact of the signage system to be
assessed. Provides information relating to sign
usage including the number of agents that used a
particular sign, the signs that an agent used, the
evacuation performance of those who saw and those
who used the signs, etc.
- Transit Nodes
- Allows the dimensions and performance of transit
node devices used during the simulation to be
- maritimeEXODUS Output to vrEXODUS
- Ability to view sign catchment areas in vrEXODUS.
maritimeEXODUS software architecture
- 64 bit implementation
- Both 32 and 64 bit implementations are available
enabling very large simulations to be run using the
64 bit implementation.
[19/12/2011] buildingEXODUS v5.0 and vrEXODUS v5.1 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of buildingEXODUS V5.0 incorporated a large
number of additions and alterations that are designed to
make the software more user-friendly, more efficient and
more applicable.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- Escalators/Travelator: New device types that
can be specified within a buildingEXODUS simulation.
- Metered Gate: New device allowing turnstiles to
be modelled more accurately.
- Transit Nodes: This new node type enables
components to be represented as single nodes. This
allows the user to manage the use and representation of
the components locally, and also manage the manner in
which these components are selected by arriving agents.
- Occupant Queues: Enables the specification of
service time delays associated with specific queues.
Also allows the shape of the queue to be specified and
allows other agents to pass through queues.
- Enhanced Itineraries: A number of new tasks
have been introduced to expand the flexibility of the
itinerary system, including: group formation/disbanding,
waiting, enhanced delay, agent removal, signage
interaction, etc. This enables the user to develop more
complex emergency and circulation procedures.
- Social Movement: Group communication and
interaction has been expanded to allow itineraries to be
exchanged in the communication process, along with the
ability for group members to adapt their speeds to
maintain proximity.
- Enhanced Signage: Agent’s understanding of the
routes available can now be influenced by the signs
available within the geometry and the information
provided by them. This can occur on a planned or
emergent basis. Agent interaction with the signs is
simulated to represent whether the agent sees the sign
and then uses the information available. Recovery
behaviours are also provided, should agents fail to find
the desired sign.
- EXODUS Script File: Enable the user to manage
the use of buildingEXODUS via command line
- Response Time Distribution Curves: Allows the
specification of a user defined probability distribution
for response times or other agent attributes.
- Obstacle Zones: Enables the grouping together
of sets of nodes into zones in order to dynamically
alter the Obstacle values of their connecting arcs.
- 64 Bit Implementation: Both 32 and 64 bit
implementations are available enabling very large
simulations to be run using the 64 bit implementation.
A list of these new features and modifications found in
version 5.0 is provided below:
- Escalators/Travelators
New device types using the new transit node
functionality that can be specified within a
buildingEXODUS simulation.
Example Application: Representation of escalator in a
rail station or shopping centre.
- Metered Gate
New device that uses the new transit node functionality,
allowing turnstiles to be modelled more accurately.
Example Application: Representation of turnstile in a
rail station or library.
- Transit Nodes
This new node type enables stair / escalator /
travelator / corridor / metered gate components to be
represented as single nodes. This allows the user to
manage the use and representation of the components
locally, and also manage the manner in which these
components are selected by arriving agents.
Example Application: Representation of movement between
floors of a shopping mall, where shoppers can choose
between escalators and stairs. Also the representation
of people negotiating ticket gates within a train
station concourse.
- Occupant Queues
Enables the specification of service time delays
associated with specific queues. Also allows the shape
of the queue to be specified and allows other agents to
pass through queues.
Example Application: Shoppers moving between checkout
lines, collecting tickets at an airport, etc.
- Enhanced Itineraries
A number of new tasks have been introduced to expand the
flexibility of the itinerary system, including: group
formation/disbanding, waiting, enhanced delay, agent
removal, signage interaction, etc. This enables the user
to develop more complex emergency and circulation
Example Application: Circulatory movement around an
exhibition; emergency phased procedure including warden
- Social Movement
Group communication and interaction has been expanded to
allow itineraries to be exchanged in the communication
process, along with the ability for group members to
adapt their speeds to maintain proximity.
Example Application: Families arriving at a sporting
event as part of a larger crowd.
- Enhanced Signage
Agent’s understanding of the routes available can now be
influenced by the signs available within the geometry
and the information provided by them. This can occur on
a planned or emergent basis. Agent interaction with the
signs is simulated to represent whether the agent sees
the sign and then uses the information available.
Recovery behaviours are also provided, should agents
fail to find the desired sign.
Example Application: Interaction between visitors to an
exhibition and the guidance provided by the organisers.
Assessment of the coverage of a space given location of
- Response Time Distribution Curves
Allows the specification of a user defined probability
distribution for response times or other agent
Example Application: Inclusion of data-sets collected
from trial evacuations within the assessment of
structural changes to the building.
- Obstacle Zones
Enables the grouping together of sets of nodes into
zones in order to dynamically alter the Obstacle values
of their connecting arcs.
Example Application: Representation of the appearance of
debris, part way through an evacuation, upon
- Randomise on Seats/Swap Locations on Seats
Randomise on Seats/ Swap Locations on Seats randomises
the starting locations of individuals initially on seat
nodes, or swaps the location of those on seat nodes.
Example Application: Examining the evacuation of a
theatre assuming that the audience is seated, but that
the exact distribution of the audience is not known.
Data and Statistics Collection
- Trace Control
Allows the evolving experiences of one or more agents to
be output throughout the simulation.
User Interface
- Tabbed dialogue boxes
Simplify presentation of certain dialogue boxes and
simplify user access; e.g. Behavioural Options.
- EXODUS Script File
Enables the user to manage the use of buildingEXODUS via
command line functionality.
- Potential Assignment
Allows exit attributes to be modified from a single
dialogue box, enabling exit potentials to be more easily
- Expansion of Analysis Control functionality
Now allows different conditions to be represented,
including the interaction between agents and signage.
- View Navigator
Allows the user to easily move about within the
currently selected geometry window.
- Locate Person / Time
Enables the members of the population who managed to
evacuate before a given time to be identified.
- Auto Find Compartments
Enables Compartment Zones to be auto generated for data
- Signage related
Enables the user to assess the impact of the signage
system. Provides information relating to sign usage
including the number of people that used a particular
sign, the signs that a person used, the evacuation
performance of those who saw and those who used the
signs, etc.
- Itinerary Summary
Enables the complete list of tasks performed by the
population as part of their itineraries to be displayed
within the Data Window Output tab.
- Transit Nodes
Allows the dimensions and performance of transit node
devices used during the simulation to be output.
buildingEXODUS output to vrEXODUS
- Transit nodes
Enables the new transit nodes types of Escalators and
Travelators to be depicted within the 3D virtual
environment (i.e. vrEXODUS).
- Ability to view the catchment area of signs
Enables the signs and their corresponding Visibility
Catchment Areas (VCA’s) to be depicted within the 3D
virtual environment (i.e. vrEXODUS)
- Ability to define the floor heights
Enables the height of each floor as defined within
buildingEXODUS to be accurately depicted within the 3D
virtual environment (i.e. vrEXODUS)
buildingEXODUS software architecture
- 64 Bit Implementation:
Both 32 and 64 bit implementations are available
enabling very large simulations to be run using the 64
bit implementation.
The release of version 5.0.5 of vrEXODUS involved a complete
rewrite of the original vrEXODUS v4.0 taking advantage of
dedicated graphics hardware and processing power available
with modern PCs. While earlier versions of vrEXODUS
incorporated the Superscape software development kit and the
Viscape plug in, the new version has been completely
rewritten using C++ and making use of DirectX 9.0 libraries.
As a result the new software is faster than the older
version, making use of both software and hardware features
and can handle much larger data sets.
The new vrEXODUS software incorporates all of the features
and capabilities of the previous version and has a range of
new and improved functionality, including:
New Features and Capabilities
- Fully integrated screen capture and video output using
the wmv file format.
- Support for multi-core CPUs.
- vrEXODUS is now dongle locked to the EXODUS dongle.
Improved Features and Capabilities
- Ability to import, display and animate very large data
sets involving very large geometries and hundreds of
thousands of agents.
- Faster loading times for simulations with the ability
to drag and drop files into the software.
- Advanced display controls allowing the visibility of
various graphic representations to be toggled on or off.
- Split screen control, allowing multiple views
- Improved navigation and playback performance with
support for the family of 3D Navigation Devices from
3Dconnexions (
SMARTFIRE V4.1is a major new release of the
SMARTFIRE software incorporating a numner of new and
improved features.
The major new developments include:
- Update to SMARTFIRE Scenario Designer including
support for monochrome Bitmaps as an alternative to the
CAD .dxf files, improved search algorithms for rooms and
doors, and automated zone creation for "room block"
export of data to EXODUS.
- Update to SMARTFIRE Parallel CFD Engine including
improved access to solution controls in the parallel MPI
version of SMARTFIRE and an improved parallel CFD launch
- Update to the SMARTFIRE Case Specification
Environment, including support for delayed triggering of
events, critical change handling to provide managed time
step size control through potentially unstable events,
improved control of solution results output, and support
for user defined materials. The software also now has a
TOXICITY model to control the production and dispersal
of the toxic combustion products (e.g. CO, CO2) and
other toxic species. The software also has a new HCL
release and absorption model.
- Improved SMARTFIRE Automated Meshing System has user
access to fine tune the meshing rules before meshing
commences with new support for iterative mesh refinement
based on mesh quality metrics for the aspect ratio of
cells and the ratio of lengths of adjacent cells.
- The SMARTFIRE suite of tools has a new research tool
for Mesh Morphing. This allows users to manipulate the
mesh nodes to create some body fitted mesh morphs. This
tool features node selection using logical points range,
simple configuration of pitched roofs, sub-region mesh
smoothing, and a “Move Object” functionality, which
allows a chosen object (e.g. a fire) to be “moved” to a
new location – although the exact size and position will
depend on the mesh in the target area.
- Improvements to the SMARTFIRE CFD Engine include new
models for Toxicity (CO and CO2) and HCL. A new
sprinkler / water mist model allows some of the effects
of sprinkler systems to be modelled. Combustion
modelling has been improved so that it is much less
sensitive to mesh quality. A new 2D slice visualization
shows an interactive ray traced visibility distance
(through smoke) from a chosen view point. The software
also now supports radiation monitor points which allow
accurate computation of the thermal radiation flux
summation at selected points.
- Improvements to the SMARTFIRE Data Viewer include the
addition of an interactive scalar probe point to report
the current value of the scalar field. The software also
has a newly developed prototype walk-through/exploration
mode to allow movement within a data set/geometry.
Support for CSV data export of scalar probes and monitor
graphs, has also been added.
There are also a number of minor SMARTFIRE
improvements and additions, including:
- The flow handling algorithm has been improved to give
better solution stability.
- Residual calculation has a normalized version which
reduces the detrimental effect of having large numbers
of cells.
- Default settings for solver configuration have been
improved to give more balanced (and hence more
effective) processing performance.
- CFD Engine now uses total simulated time (instead of
numbers of time steps) to configure the duration of a
- Inlets can now support time dependent boundary
condition data files.
- A special form of Inlets can now be placed internally.
- Improved and clearer interface for wall selection,
wall properties and 2D object definition.
Improved workflow with better tool integration with
options for launching most of the other tools of the
SMARTFIRE suite, launching data/script file editors and
also launching a file browser (Windows Explorer) showing
the appropriate working case directory.
- New objects added to give greater flexibility when
creating scenarios: FIXED PRESSURE SURFACE - provides a
constant over-pressure, SIMPLE FAN - provides a simple
fixed speed fan-like behaviour and a NOZZLE – which
supplies droplets of water to the sprinkler model.
- New logic for monitors and controlled changes so that
multiple discrete monitors can combine to give a single
triggered event and to allow controlled events to
re-occur so that on/off repetitions can occur (currently
activated only in script commands).
- Greater tool integration (e.g. Windows Explorer and
SMARTFIRE Data Viewer) under the File menu.
- New higher order differencing schemes reduce false
- The CFD Engine of SMARTFIRE now supports the output of
surface data such as temperatures and radiative fluxes
which can be loaded into DataView.
- Added a clip box to DataView allow visualization
within a selected rectangular sub-region.
- Added a parallel (i.e."cabinet projection") view mode
to DataView.
- Added 3D viewing mode for red/green glasses in
[01/09/2004] SMARTFIRE VERSION 4.0 IS NOW AVAILABLE. SMARTFIRE V4.0 is a major new release of the SMARTFIRE software
incorporating many new and improved features.
The major new developments include:
- New Scenario Designer tool provides a semi-automated graphical
environment for the import of CAD (DXF) drawings for the creation of
SMARTFIRE modelling scenarios from building floor plans.
- A Parallel Computing capability has been introduced into
SMARTFIRE (using MPI) that makes use of networked PC
workstation clusters with domain decomposition to speed up the solution
- A semi-automatic Link to the EXODUS evacuation modelling
software enabling coupling of fire field model data with evacuation analysis
has been developed.
- An Interactive Visualizer has been added to the
SMARTFIRE CFD Engine. This tool allows a 2D visualisation plane to
be viewed within the context of the geometry and the whole scene can be
rotated, zoomed or shifted under mouse control.
- A new Post Processing Visualisation and Animation Package
(named SMARTFIRE “DataView”) has been developed and is
included with SMARTFIRE.
- New Data Output Formats supported for third part post
processing packages. MayaVi (freeware) supported for "snapshot" saves AND
incremental saves. TecPlot (commercial) supported for "snapshot" saves.
Ensight-6 and -Gold (commercial) supported for "snapshot" saves.
- Porosity Objects (for faces and volumes) have been added
to enable more realistic handling of partial blockages.
Improved SMARTFIRE features include:
- Gaseous combustion model now has partial oxygen sensitivity added.
Formerly the Gaseous combustion model did not use the oxygen concentration
to limit the rate of combustion. The model is not yet capable of handling
fire extinction but this feature and other enhancements are currently being
- The multiple ray radiation model has been optimised so that it performs
faster when there are only very minor changes in temperature.
- The automated meshing system has been enhanced with more powerful
quality assessment and adjustment routines. The user can now choose to check
the quality and the system will much more selectively choose to add cells
only where they are actually needed (and be beneficial) rather than the
former approach of a brute force increase of the directional cell budget to
try and fix the problematic cells.
- Multiple planar-visualisation windows are now fully supported by the
SMARTFIRE CFD Engine, including image saves.
- Three solution optimisation strategies have been included in the
- Monitor points now have enhanced handling so that multiple monitor
points can be defined.
- Many of the objects available in the Case Specification Environment now
have temporal or solution controlled activation/de-activation. This means
that, for example, a thin plate object (representing a closed door or
window) can be removed from a simulation at a particular time OR if a
particular solution condition is detected. This is a very powerful feature
that enables such research as secondary ignition of fire sources, opening
and closing of vents, baffles, doors and windows, and the activation or
deactivation of fans or inlets.
[10/03/2004] buildingEXODUS V4.0 and vrEXODUS V4.0 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of version 4.0 of buildingEXODUS incorporates a large number of
additions and alterations that are designed to make the software more user
friendly, more efficient and more useful.
Substantial additions to the software include:
- New features designed to extend the capabilities of the software in the
area of non-emergency circulation applications.
- New features to determine the Visibility Catchment Area associated with
- New behavioural features to include congestion avoidance and exit
- A link to the SMARTFIRE CFD fire simulation software.
- Extending the toxicity models within EXODUS to include the impact of
irritant fire gases.
- Numerous improvements to the user interface e.g. editable toolbars.
New features and improved functionality has been added to all buildingEXODUS
modes. A list of modifications found in version 4.0 is provided below.
User Interface
- Navigation window
- Data output and status window
- Improved and editable toolbar
- Right mouse click menu
Geometry Mode
- Minimising boundary lines
- Target points
Population Mode
- Population selection box
- Itinerary selection control
- Naming of itineraries
- Assignation of populations to source nodes
- Range substitute for attributes relating to the current population
Scenario Mode
- Data file link to the SMARTFIRE CFD fire simulation software
- Updated link to CFAST V5.0.
Behaviour and Simulation
- Source nodes, enabling the user to dynamically generate individuals
during the simulation
- Redirection nodes, enabling the user to influence the route adopted
by an individual
- Direction nodes, restricting the access of evacuees
- Compartment zones, enabling the control of the response of whole
areas of the geometry
- Irritant model, representing the impact of irritant products upon the
- Metered internal door flow, allowing one person at a time to use an
access point
- New gate unit flow rate
- Signage and visibility catchment areas, allowing information to be
relayed to the evacuees through the provision of signs
- Local familiarity with all main exits
- Avoid congestion during general movement, causing the population to
distribute themselves more naturally during movement
- Maximum simulation time, allowing the simulation to be ended at a
pre-determined point
- Avoidance of exit congestion, enabling evacuees to determine exit
selection according to the levels of congestion evident at particular exits
- Maintenance the angle of movement, minimising erratic movement of the
evacuating population.
Data and Statistics Collection
- Census lines, enabling a variety of data to be collected in a more
flexible manner
- Additional run time statistics for census regions
- Additional information on internal doors
- Optimum exit statistic
buildingEXODUS output to vrEXODUS
- Ability to select regions for output to vrEXODUS
[25/08/2003] maritimeEXODUS VERSION 4.0 and vrEXODUS
With the release of maritimeEXODUS V4.0, maritimeEXODUS
maintains its full compliance with the IMO requirements as
set out in MSC circular 1033 and in addition,
maritimeEXODUS incorporates several new
New Behavioural and Geometrical Features:
The release of version 4.0 of maritimeEXODUS incorporates
a number of significant fundamental new
capabilities. These concern the representation of:
- Water Tight Doors,
- Hatches,
- 60 Degree Stairs and
- Vertical Ladders.
These additions not only allow the geometrical
representation of these features but also include
performance and behavioural additions associated with
“trained” crew and “naïve” passengers under conditions of
heel and trim. Associated with these new capabilities are
data-sets derived from experimental trials commissioned by
the UK MoD specifically for the development of these
features. These new capabilities allow
maritimeEXODUS to more accurately address scenarios
associated with naval vessels and off-shore
facilities. Finally, the vrEXODUS software has
also been enhanced to better represent these new
It was announced today that FSEGs EXODUS development group have won Europe’s
most distinguished IT prize for their work in developing the EXODUS suite of
computer software. The EU Commission-sponsored European IST (Information
Society Technologies) Prize is awarded by the European Council of Applied
Sciences, Technology and Engineering (Euro-CASE) to entrepreneurial teams that
excel in generating novel ideas and converting them into marketable products.
The EXODUS development team is among twenty prize winners selected from among
420 entries from 28 countries. The winners will exhibit their products at an
awards ceremony during the IST 2003 event in Milan, Italy on 2-4 October 2003,
where three Grand Prize Winners will be selected, each receiving € 200,000 in
prize money (

19 Feb 2003 Prof Galea and Vice Chancellor Prof Trainer accept award from
HRH and Prince Phillip |

19 Feb 2003 Prof Galea introducing Princess Anne to the FSEG team |

19 Feb 2003 FSEG team at Buckingham Palace |

19 Feb 2003 Prof Galea introducing HRH to Jason, one of the EXODUS team
It was announced today at St.James Palace in London that the EXODUS research
group of FSEG was awarded a Queen's Anniversary Prize. The prize was in
acknowledgement for the development of the EXODUS suite of software, the
fundamental research into human behaviour and evacuation and the role the
group play in disseminating these tools and knowledge all around the world.
The Award Citation reads:
"The University is a recognized world leader in the area of evacuation model
development. Use of its software technology by businesses and public
authorities greatly enhances public safety and its specialized training offers
vital expertise to the user community world-wide."
The biennial Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Further and Higher Education
recognise and reward the outstanding contribution that universities and
colleges in the United Kingdom make to the intellectual, economic, cultural
and social life of the nation. It is the most distinguished award that can
be made to a UK institution for higher or further education. The Queen will
present a Gold Medal and an illuminated Prize Certificate to the EXODUS team
at an honours ceremony at Buckingham Palace in February 2003.
Click here for full
press release
[20/08/2002] maritimeEXODUS VERSION 3.0 and vrEXODUS VERSION 1.11 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
With the release of maritimeEXODUS V3.0, maritimeEXODUS is fully compliant
with the new IMO requirements as set out in MSC circular 1033. In addition,
maritimeEXODUS incorporates several important changes and a number of
additional features. These are:
New Behavioural Features:
- The Radiative Flux Feature concerns the introduction of a
radiative component into the FED model. The Radiative Flux model has now been
developed so that it can reflect several options relating to the time to
achieve threshold limits such as pain, incapacitation or a user specified
limit. In addition the response of the occupants can now be overridden by
values of the radiative flux exceeding a user specified limit.
- The mustering procedures implemented on board the simulated craft
can now be represented. Four types of procedure (RO-RO, High Speed Craft,
Cruise Ship and Undefined) can now be represented, including the location of
the individual’s vest, muster stations and associated LSA. This is achieved
through the use of automated itineraries, so that the user now no longer has
to perform this task manually.
- The impact of the inclination of the vessel (e.g. Trim and Heel)
can be represented within the model. This is derived from experimental data (TNO
and SHEBA) and will have an impact on the travel speeds of the evacuees.
- The model now includes a dedicated method to represent the Life
Saving Appliances on board. These include dedicated attributes designed to
represent the evacuee’s interaction with the LSA and increased flexibility in
their usage, so that LSA chains can be formed to represent complex evacuation
- Dedicated population panels have been created to meet the IMO
requirements for the cases designed to meet regulatory compliance
- A Communication feature has been included, whereby evacuees
sharing a social gene can share information related to their response times,
and their understanding of the craft.
- Ability to import and export itineraries. This reduces the time
required to create itineraries and greatly increases the flexibility of the
- More intuitive methods to connect multi-deck geometries allowing
the location and connectivity between decks to appear on-screen. This is
particularly useful in large geometries where numerous connections may exist
between decks.
- The inclusion of the Range substitution, so that boundaries may be
specified for a number of attributes within which the substituted value will
- Function to calculate the number of people in a specified area
- Function to calculate the area selected
- Response zones may be generated which locally override the
evacuees attributes response times
- Instead of randomising an individual’s location, it can instead be
swapped with another member of the population using the Swap Location
function. This is particularly useful if the occupancy levels need to be
maintained within an area.
- Instead of the instant response flag, the Specified Response flag
has been included, allowing the user to force the evacuees to respond before a
specified time.
- The navigation of the evacuees now can take into consideration
their Angle of movement, the density of the population around them and their
proximity to the boundary of the geometry.
- Evacuees can now be defined as passengers or as crew members. This
can influence the effect that their presence can have on the activity of LSAs.
- Each evacuee can collect a vest during the simulation, which is
recorded by a dedicated attribute, as well as by their appearance.
- The Footfall contour has been introduced to visually describe the
usage of specific locations within the geometry.
- The Potential Route map has been introduced to describe both the
spread of the potential map throughout the geometry and the direction of its
- Expansion of itinerary tasks. Itineraries can now be formed from
several different tasks, including collecting a vest, evacuating to a specific
location and delaying.
- Deck potential map. The potential map for each deck can now be
controlled instead of the movement being dependent purely upon the potential
of the eventual exit point.
- Instead of the evacuees being static prior to evacuating, the user
now has the option of allowing them to ‘mill’ around randomly.
Usability Enhancements:
- The ability of the user to incorporate Lines, Text and Polygons
into the WorkSpace area, allowing them to modify the appearance of the
workspace for presentations
- The user is now able to select irregular areas of the geometry
using Polygon select tool
- Standard Copy, Cut, Paste and Undo features have now been
- Appearance of an on-screen ruler, allowing approximate
measurements to be made
- User can now determine which buttons appear on the toolbar and the
number of buttons available has been increased
- When the user moves the pointer across an on-screen object, the
option is available to display small amounts of information using the Node
tips tool
- A Selection control dialogue box has been developed, allowing the
visibility and selectability of on-screen objects to be determined.
- The rate of the graphical output can now be controlled by the user
using the Speed Control feature.
- The appearance of the model has now been updated so that it now
has a more standard window appearance.
- Zone Contours have been introduced to improve on the quality of
the Contour system previously used.
- Stair behaviour: the behaviour of the evacuees on staircases has
been altered slightly to remove a number of potential anomalous events that
may previously have developed. Previously, the evacuees treat each component
node of each step equally (i.e. they find them equally attractive). This
prevents the unnatural bunching of evacuees around certain nodes on dog-leg
staircases. The exception to this is when evacuees are relatively close to the
edge of a stair case (within five nodes) then the individuals will attempt to
move towards the edge of the staircase, simulating their preference for using
the handrails. If they are further than that from the edge of the staircase
then they will attempt to utilise the space available to them as per the other
rules governing staircase movement.
- Improved flow rate performance for capped Internal Exits: Several
users had brought to our attention that when they capped the flow rate
capability of an Internal Exit, the flow rate achieved was lower than
expected. When capping the flow rate capability of an Internal Exit,
maritimeEXODUS ensures that the instantaneous flow rate never exceeds the
capped value, so the average flow rate will always be smaller than the capped
value. The new version of maritimeEXODUS ensures that when capped exits are
used, the average flow rate achieved is closer to the capped value. Thus,
higher flow rates through Internal Exits should be achieved when capped
internal exits are used (e.g. HMSO).
SMARTFIRE V3.0 has a host of new features. The major new
developments include:
- Gaseous combustion models and associated control parameters have been
incorporated within SMARTFIRE and can be fully activated via the user
- A smoke model is available for use with the gaseous combustion model and
the standard heat release rate model. In the standard heat release rate model
the smoke is specified as a mass release rate. When the gaseous combustion
model is used, smoke is concentration is determined by assessing the mass of
smoke produced by burning 1 unit of fuel.
- A multi-ray radiation model has been included. This model is analogous to
the discrete transfer radiation model but is fully compatible with
unstructured meshes. It has the benefit of using the same computational mesh
as the other models.
- The ability to specify forced ventilation systems such as fans.
- Horizontal vents are now available via the user interface with suitably
sized extended regions that are automatically created in the vertical
- The automated meshing tool has been significantly improved and generates
improved quality meshes with smaller mesh budgets than in earlier versions of
SMARTFIRE. The automatic meshing tool has object awareness for improved
meshing of complex geometries. This enables the use of meshing rules that
specify the minimum number of cells that MUST be used within an object. E.g. a
vent must have at least 3 cells in both the “height” and “width” directions in
order to provide for both inflow and outflow simultaneously.
- A manual mesh specification tool has been included that allows the user to
modify the mesh through the addition of cells and the specification of cell
distributions. This tool allows experts to fine tune meshes generated by the
automated mesh generator.
- Additional ‘objects’ have been specified in object libraries allowing the
user to create simulation cases with greater complexity.
- 2D objects such as Thin Plates and Inlets can be specified anywhere in the
flow domain (previously, 2D objects were limited to the surfaces of the
geometry region).
- Smart data entry menus and case specification checking now provide easier
and more reliable fire modelling.
[01/08/2002] buildingEXODUS VERSION 3.01 and vrEXODUS VERSION 1.11 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of version 3.01 of buildingEXODUS incorporates several
important changes to the software and an additional feature.
New Behavioural Features:
- Radiative Flux Feature: The new features concern the use of the
radiative component of the FED model. The Radiative Flux model has now been
developed so that it can reflect several options relating to the time to
achieve threshold limits such as pain, incapacitation or a user specified
limit. In addition the response of the occupants can now be overridden by
values of the radiative flux exceeding a user specified limit.
- Stair occupant behaviour on stairs: the behaviour of the evacuees on
staircases has been altered slightly to remove a number of potential anomalous
events that may previously have developed. In version 3.01, the evacuees treat
each component node of each step equally (i.e. they find them equally
attractive). This prevents the unnatural bunching of evacuees around certain
nodes on dog-leg staircases. The exception to this is when evacuees are
relatively close to the edge of a stair case (within five nodes) then the
individuals will attempt to move towards the edge of the staircase, simulating
their preference for using the handrails. If they are further than that from
the edge of the staircase then they will attempt to utilise the space
available to them as per the other rules governing staircase movement.
- Improved flow rate performance for capped Internal Exits: Several
users had brought to our attention that when they capped the flow rate
capability of an Internal Exit, the flow rate achieved was lower than
expected. When capping the flow rate capability of an Internal Exit,
buildingEXODUS ensures that the instantaneous flow rate never exceeds the
capped value, so the average flow rate will always be smaller than the capped
value. The new version of buildingEXODUS ensures that when capped exits are
used, the average flow rate achieved is closer to the capped value. Thus,
higher flow rates through Internal Exits should be achieved when capped
internal exits are used (e.g. HMSO).
[01/03/2002] maritimeEXODUS won the RINA/LR (Royal Institution of Naval Architecture/Lloyds Register) Award for ship safety for 2001.
[01/12/2001] maritimeEXODUS won the CITIS (Communications & IT in Shipping) Award for Innovation in IT for Ship Operation for 2001.
[01/11/2001] The EXODUS suite of evacuation software won the top award from the British
Computer Society. EXODUS was among seven finalists short-listed for the top
award. The award scheme, now in its 29th year, recognises innovation and
originality in the IT industry. Previous winners include Marlboro McLaren F-1
Racing, SuperJanet and the Digital Audio Broadcast System.
“The winners not only demonstrate technical innovation, but also show how
technology can be used to benefit society at large,” added Judith Scott, Chief
Executive of The BCS.
here for full press release

EXODUS stand at BCS Awards 7 Nov 2001 |

EXODUS team at BCS awards dinner 7 Nov 2001 |

EXODUS team celebrating winning BCS Award 8 Nov 2001 |
- Combustion model added using either eddy mixing controlled or diffusion
controlled simple gaseous combustion. Specified by stoichiometric equation for
the combustion, mass fractions of fuel and oxygen in the inlets, molecular
weights of fuel and the dilutant, and heat of combustion, combustion
efficiency and the eddy break up constant (- for eddy mixing controlled
- Smoke model added (concentration release rate for heat release model OR a
rate determined from rate of combustion when using the combustion model).
- Fan objects added specified as 3D objects in the setup GUI (these are
specified by pressure-difference vs velocity, fan area and blowing direction).
- Multi-stage fire added for 3 stage growth, mid-period and decay for a
- Manual mesh specification tool added to allow the KBS generated mesh to be
modified on a slice by slice basis (a slice is a section of the domain between
actual object geometry points). The meshing tool uses easy point and click
operation to select the slice and gives visual feedback of the current mesh
and easy access to change the mesh within each slice.
- Added outlet patch to setup GUI with prescribed surface pressure.
- Added inlet patch to setup GUI with prescribed physical properties
including velocity, temperature, etc.
- Walls can now have unique thicknesses and (if applicable) emmisivities to
over-ride the default behaviour.
- Improved handling of heat transfer through walls and obstacles so that
behaviour is consistent and that heat transfer to other compartments is
consistent with expectations.
- Improved heat transfer handling for objects and walls when using radiation
and turbulence.
- Regrouped GUI features for problem setup to be in menus of related items
e.g. radiation settings are grouped separately from the combustion settings.
[01/10/2000] buildingEXODUS VERSION 3.0 and vrEXODUS VERSION 1.11 ARE NOW AVAILABLE!
The release of version 3.0 of buildingEXODUS incorporates a large number of
additions and alterations that are designed to make the software more user
friendly, more efficient and more useful. More specifically, the alterations
address the user interface and the speed of performance of the code. The new
features address the process by which fire hazards are incorporated within the
model, the inclusion of a set of post processing data tools and a Virtual
Reality (VR) post processing interface, the inclusion of additional scenario
specific features and most importantly, the behavioural capabilities.
Concerning the latter, several new behavioural capabilities have been
developed to increase the sophistication of the behavioural model and
therefore further advance the modelling of occupant behaviour.
New Software Components:
- The introduction of a VR post-processor interface, allowing the three
dimensional representation of buildingEXODUS simulations.
- The introduction of a set of tools – known as askEXODUS – to aid in the
analysis of multiple buildingEXODUS simulations.
- The introduction of an interface to CFAST V4.01 history files allowing
direct import of results produced by a recognised zone model into the
buildingEXODUS Hazard model.
New Behavioural Features:
- An Occupant Itinerary List function has been added allowing occupants to
perform simple tasks prior to exiting. This can either be specified for
individuals or groups of occupants.
- The ability to credit occupants with a localised understanding of the exits
available (using the Local Familiarity system). The occupant has an internal
list of known exits (referred to as the Occupant Exit Knowledge) which then
form potential egress route. This can be attributed manually or automatically.
- Exits can be categorised according to their usage (either being emergency
exits or in constant use). This is particularly important in the use of
localised exit familiarity.
- Exits have a new attribute known as the Attractiveness. This can be used to
determine the likelihood of occupants being aware of specific exits, whilst
using the Local Familiarity system.
- Occupants moving through a smoke-filled environment may now exhibit
inefficient movement caused by the reduced visibility levels. This will
include occupant staggering and subsequently attempting to follow the walls of
the geometry to aid in navigation.
- Occupants faced with a consistent barrier of smoke have the option to
redirect away towards other available exits. The likelihood of this happening
is dependent upon the selection of a data-set or the provision of new data. A
Smoke Redirection option is situated on the OCCUPANT CONTROL dialogue box.
New Tools:
- An Analysis feature is provided to aid the user in understanding the
occupant behaviour. This allows the simulated occupant to change colour
according to their circumstances or their behaviour.
- Introduction of Census Regions, enabling the automatic recording of
information concerning specific areas of the geometry.
Improved Capabilities:
- The ability to represent Internal exits is now consistent with External
exits and are able to produce similar levels of output data.
- The user is now able to represent the Potential Map, the Population Density,
the Smoke level and the Temperature level conditions as a Contour map.
- An additional environmental variable, namely Radiative Flux (kW/m2) has been
included. The effect of this on the occupant – FIHr – is modelled according
to functions derived by Purser.
- Several of the Purser functions representing the impact of the environment
upon an occupant have been updated according to more recent research.
- Stair behaviour has been updated so that the constituent nodes that form
risers are seen as being equally attractive allowing more realistic overtaking
- The function used to model the reduction in occupant mobility in relation to
the extinction coefficient of the smoke within the environment has been
updated so as to more accurately reflect the original Jin data.
- To reduce the user workload, the model can now automatically generate
boundary nodes according to the connectivity and configuration of the nodal
- The avoidance of locations with fatalities. Occupants will attempt to avoid
nodes that have single or multiple fatalities situated on them.
- Alteration in the development of occupant speed in relation to the obstacle
value of arcs.
Performance Enhancements:
- The interactive graphics algorithms have been improved making the software
faster in graphics mode.
- The loading of DXF files/ boundary files is quicker as EXODUS now generates
its own internal version of the file.
User Interface Enhancements:
- The menu lists and dialogue boxes have been entirely restructured. The new
interface is presented in a more logical and consistent format.
- An “Impatient” RuleBase switch has been added to the Occupant Control
dialogue box, forcing occupants to respond instantly.
- An “All Main Exits” switch has been added to the Occupant Control dialogue
box, guaranteeing occupant familiarity with exits that are in constant use,
whilst using the Local Familiarity system.
Feature Enhancements:
- Node lock/ move/ copy have been improved
- Fast node has been improved, replicating the functionality of Normal mode
- The user is able to manipulate components of the DXF file and of the
Boundary produced for geometries created within buildingEXODUS.
- On the DOOR dialogue box, a graph option is now available that enables
graphs to be switched on and off for particular exits.
- Magnification has been simplified so that it now includes the ability to
double-click on the magnification buttons. This produces a 10% increase or
decrease in the size of the geometry in the current window.
- Due to the increase in behavioural and simulation options, the user now has
ability to export option settings to an option library, enabling re-use.
- The Batch Mode controls have been simplified and their functionality has
been increased.
- Door titles are now automatically generated.
- Fast nodes can now be applied to all windows automatically.
- Nodal locations can be identified by using the search facility.
- The ability to relocate occupants by dragging them between locations.
- The ability to determine the floor area within a specified section of the
- The provision of a more detailed contour key.
- The ability to label .EXO and .MTA with a specification of the nature of the
- The ability to control whether certain nodes types (e.g. SEAT, INTERNAL
EXITS, etc.) are visible during the simulation.
- Version 2.03 of buildingEXODUS shipped on October 1999. [October '99]
- Version 2.0 of buildingEXODUS shipped in February 1999. [February '99]
Version 2.0 of buildingEXODUS include the following enhancements:
New Features
- Vast Improvement in execution times (new 32-bit architecture)
- Percent Done is displayed in Batch Mode.
- Ability to prescribe flow rates on internal exits.
- An Instant Response Rulebase switch has been added to Simulation mode.
- Flow Time and No Flow Time parameters now available for exits.
- A summary of input parameters can now be selected for inclusion in
output files.
- The potential map can be displayed using a coloured contour map.
- Population density can be viewed as a coloured contour map.
- The approximate area of a selected region can now be viewed.
- A distance map around a selected point for a specified region can be
Usability Enhancements
- New hardware key (dongle) protection
- Fire Hazard Definition dialog boxes have been standardised to work in
the same way.
- Auto Connect can now connect arcs in all directions.
- Staircase dialog box has been simplified.
- A connect option is available when adding nodes in regions.
- The default potential for an exit is now 100.
- Arcs can now be deleted according to their direction, i.e. horizontal,
vertical and diagonal.
- Arcs and Nodes in a region can be viewed using the same method.
- The Local Potential option has been added to Scenario Mode (prev.
Simulation Mode)
- As of July 1998, buildingEXODUS was being used in 13 countries. Users may
be found in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,
Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden,
and the UK. (July ‘98)
- Version 1.1 of buildingEXODUS began shipping on 19 September 1997.
- Licenced users of buildingEXODUS include, fire safety consultants,
unversities, research laboratories, regulatory authorities, fire brigades,
defence establishments (August 1997).
- New or improved features of buildingEXODUS v1.1 include:
- Interface
- The toolbars now have all the common mode buttons in the same locations.
- The DXF file reader now accepts the Autocad version 13 DXF standard.
- The size of data files have been reduced, .MTA, .EXO, .RUX, .RUN.
- A playback file (.RUX, .RUN) can now be recorded in Simulation Mode
(previously only available in Batch Mode).
- The method of defining fire scenarios has been completely restructured.
- Batch Mode now allows a simulation to be viewed as if in Simulation Mode
- Output files now have a different naming convention.
- The floodfill algorithm has been speeded up
- The undo function now only works for the first 2000 objects
- Movie file player - a new piece of software is included that replays
movie files. This software is not licenced to a single machine and may be
freely distributed by users. The player will play simulation at normal
speed, or a factor thereof, e.g. 2, 3, 4 etc.
- Simulation Mode allows MOVIE files (.EMX) files to be saved - these
allow an exact simulation to be played through.
- A summary of the input parameters is available as an output option.
- The process of connecting staircases has been simplified.
- An option to over-ride response times has been included in simulation
- Rulebase
- Movement over arcs with obstacle values > 1 is now conducted at walk
- Occupants can now be assigned to external exits.
- Contraflow rules have been added to allow opposing crowds flow.
(B) Research News
Archive: back
This section lists all news concerning FSEG staff and their research activities.
The results of the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
(RAE2008) confirm that the Fire Safety Engineering Group
(FSEG) of the University of Greenwich is one of the top
research groups in the UK in the area of Mechanical,
Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering (UoA
28). FSEG was part of the Centre for Numerical
Modelling and Process Analysis (CNMPA) submission to UoA
28. RAE2008 rated 70% of the submission in the
highest two research quality categories, with 30% rated as
‘world leading’ and 40% rated as ‘internationally
In the most respected RAE 2008 league table compiled by
the Times Higher Education (18th December 2008), the CNMPA
submission produced a grade point average of 2.95, placing
CNMPA 4th out of the 33 submissions from 32
institutions. Its 4th place meant that the group was
placed higher than 12 of the research intensive Russell
Group Universities. With 30% of its submission
rated at the highest quality rating of ‘world leading’,
the quality of the CNMPA work was equal to that of
Imperial and Sheffield, the top two rated
universities. The average volume of work classified
as ‘world leading’ for the area of Mechanical,
Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering by the
assessment panel was only 17%.
The work of CNMPA was judged as:
Category 4* - World Leading – 30%
Category 3* - Internationally Excellent – 40%
Category 2* - Recognised Internationally – 25%
Category 1* - Recognised Nationally – 5%
Unclassified – Quality that falls short of National
Recognised – 0%
See Press Release for
Hui Xie, Lazaros Filippidis, Dr Steven Gwynne, Prof Ed
Galea, Darren Blackshields and Dr Peter Lawrence from
FSEG have won the 2008 Jack Bono Engineering
Communication Award from the US based Society of Fire
Protection Engineers (SFPE). The award was made for their
recent research paper entitled:
"Signage Legibility Distances as a Function of Observation
The paper was published in the SFPE Journal of Fire
Protection Engineering in 2007 (Vol 17, No.1, pages
41-64). See
SFPE Press Release and the FSEG
Press Release for further details.

From left to right, Mr Dave Evans SFPE Executive
Director, Prof Ed Galea and Dr Steve Gwynne, two of
the Bono award winners following the award paper
presentation by Prof Ed Galea at the SFPE annual
meeting Charlotte NC, 14 October 2008. |
[01/12/2000] FSEG secures funding for the "VERRES" project as part of an consortium in EU FRAMEWORK V. FSEGs role in the consortium is to undertake evacuation modelling analysis for very large aircraft and to suggest guidelines for future use of models in aircraft certification.
[19/10/2000] buildingEXODUS V3.0 is released.
[01/03/2000] FSEG secures funding for the "SAFETY FIRST" project as part of an consortium in EU FRAMEWORK V. FSEGs role in the consortium is to undertake fire field modelliing of ship board fire scenarios.
[01/02/2000] A major new research project funded under Framework V of the EU is due to commence in March 2000. The project is concerned with fire safety on passenger ships. FSEG will be involved with the simulation of ship fires.
[01/02/2000] A major new release of buildingEXODUS is scheduled for
the first half of 2000. Keep an eye on the Exodus
web pages for more details.
[01/02/2000] A major new research project funded by the UK CAA commenced in January 2000. The project is concerned with the analysis of aircraft evacuation data and with field trials of the airEXODUS evacuation model.
[01/02/2000] A new research project funded by DaimlerChrysler commenced in December 1999. The project is concerned with incorporating the airEXODUS aircraft evacuation model in the aircraft design environment.
[01/02/2000] A new research project funded by the UK Home Office commenced
in November 1999. This project is concerned with assessing the capabilities of a range of commercially available fire field models. The project is intended to establish and demonstrate the viability of a suite of benchmarks for CFD based fire models. Look up our Projects
web pages for the latest details.
[01/02/2000] FSEG has completed a project with LPC involving the SMARTFIRE fire field model. The software was successfully used to simulate a series of fire experiments undertaken by LPC to investigate the external spread of fire in multi-storey buildings.
[01/02/2000] A major new release of the SMARTFIRE fire field model
is scheduled for the first half of 2000. Keep an eye on the
SMARTFIRE web pages for more details.
[01/10/2000] Mr Peter Friedrich of Airbus Industrie Hamburg takes up a 12 month secondment with the EXODUS group.
[01/09/2000] Mr Nathan Hurst joined FSEG in September 2000. He will be undertaking doctoral research in the field of CFD numerical schemes and fire field modelling.
[25/08/2000] Mr Nigel Mawhnney is
married on the 25 August 2000.
[04/07/2000] Mr John Ewer successfully defended his PhD, entitled “An investigation into the feasibility, problems and benefits of re-engineering a legacy procedural CFD code into an event driven, Object Oriented system that allows dynamic user interaction” in July 2000. Dr Ewer is continuing his work as principal software engineer within the SMARTFIRE development team.
[01/02/2000] In September 1999, Prof Galea was invited to become a member of the Human Behaviour Task Group of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (USA).
[01/02/2000] Following the Paddington railway disaster, Prof Galea appeared on the Channel 4 Television programme DISPATCHES (first broadcast 17th November 1999). The programme considered the evacuation capability of British trains. As part of the programme, an evacuation experiment from an upturned carriage subjected to smoke conducted by FSEG was broadcast. The week after this programme, FSEG was again on television as part of the BBC 1 Tomorrows World Survival Special. On this programme, the buildingEXODUS programme was featured.
[01/02/2000] Mr Simon Blake joined FSEG in January 2000. He will be undertaking doctoral research in the field of human behaviour and evacuation simulation.
[01/02/2000] Mr Daren Blackshields joined FSEG in
September 1999. Mr Blackshields was appointed as a research assistant working with the EXODUS development team of FSEG.
[01/02/2000] Mr Steve Gwynne successfully defended his PhD, entitled
“The introduction of adaptive social decision-making in the mathematical
modelling of egress behaviour” in January 2000. Dr Gwynne is now
working as a Post Doctoral Fellow with the EXODUS development team of FSEG.
Picture of the Steve Graduating and shortly
[01/02/2000] Mr Fuchen Jia successfully
defended his PhD, entitled “The simulation of fire growth and spread within
enclosures using an integrated CFD fire spread model” in September 1999.
Dr Jia is now working as a Post Doctoral Fellow with the SMARTFIRE development
team of FSEG. Picture of the Fuchen Graduating
and shortly afterwards.
[01/02/2000] Mr Steve Gwynne delivered a paper at the 6th IAFSS conference in Pointers France in July 1999 entitled, “Adaptive Decision-Making in buildingEXODUS”.
[01/02/2000] Mr Fuchen Jia delivered a paper at the 6th IAFSS conference in Pointers France in July 1999 entitled, “The Numerical Simulation of Noncharring Thermal Degradation and its Application to the Prediction of Compartment Fire”.
[01/02/2000] Mr John Ewer delivered a paper at INTERFLAM 99 at the Edinburgh Conference Centre during June/July 1999. The paper was entitled “The development and application of group solvers in the SMARTFIRE fire field model.”
[01/02/2000] Prof Ed Galea delivered a paper at the 3rd Int Conf on Fire Research and Engineering (Chicago) in September 1999 entitled, “Extending the Capabilities of the buildingEXODUS evacuation model to cater for hospital Evacuations.”
[27/05/1999] Prof Galea delivered an invited paper at the London Fire Brigade organised conference Fire Investigation Beyond the Cause on 27th May 1999 entitled, “The need for data in fire and evacuation modelling”.
[10/05/1999] Prof Galea delivered an invited paper at Cabin Safety Conference held at Cranfield University during May 1999. The paper was entitled “The application of computer modelling to aviation safety.”
[01/02/1999] Congratulations to Mrs Kate Finney, who Gained Her PhD in November 1998.
[01/02/1999] Dr David Purser of the Fire Research Station has been appointed to the position of visiting professor with FSEG.
[30/11/1998] Mr Wang Zhaozhi from Beijing China has joined FSEG and will be undertaking doctoral research in combustion modelling.
[30/11/1998] Mr Piotri Rymarczyk a recent graduate from Poland has joined FSEG and is working on the SMARTFIRE project.
[30/11/1998] Dr David Purser of the Fire Research Station has been appointed to the position of visiting professor with FSEG.
[30/11/1998] A Virtual Reality post-processor for the FSEG developed evacuation model buildingEXODUS is under development. The post-processor enables buildingEXODUS generated evacuation simulations to be replayed in three-dimensional virtual reality. The visualisation includes a CAD representation of the building. A demonstration of the post-processor may be found on the EXODUS web pages found under the FSEG home pages.
[30/11/1998] FSEG have now made available the first general release version of the SMARTFIRE fire field model. The software is currently being used by the Loss Prevention Council, Essex Fire Brigade, Ove Arup Fire, Home Office FRDG and Christchurch University. Details concerning SMARTFIRE may be found on the SMARTFIRE web pages listed under the FSEG home pages.
[30/11/1998] Prof Galea chaired the three day Cabin Safety Workshop which was part of the Very Large Transport Aeroplane Conference held in Noordwijkerhout The Netherlands October 1998.
[30/11/1998] Prof Galea delivered the 1998 Howard Emmons Lecture at WPI in the USA on 11th November 1998, his lecture was entitled, “The Use of Mathematical Modelling in Fire Safety Engineering”. A version of the presentation may be found on the FSEG web pages.
[30/11/1998] Mr Matt Owen, Mr Stephen Gwynne, Prof Ed Galea and Mrs Kate Finney attended the Human Behaviour in Fire Conference held in Belfast in September 1998. The group presented four papers concerned with the airEXODUS aircraft evacuation model, the AASK aircraft accident survivor database, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model and a general paper on the modelling of human behaviour (see recent publications).
[30/11/1998] Prof Galea attended the FAA/JAA organised Aircraft Fire Safety conference held in Atlantic City USA from the 16th to 20th November 1998 and delivered three papers, on the airEXODUS aircraft evacuation model, the AASK aircraft accident survivors database and the FIREDASS water mist model. Copies of these papers and all the other papers may be found on the FAA web site at
[01/07/1998] Mrs Kate Finney MSc joined the group in July 1998. Kate will
be working on the AASK database and evacuation modelling.
[01/07/1998] The development of the prototype vrEXODUS is almost
complete. vrEXODUS will post process EXODUS generated evacuation
files and replay them in Virtual Reality graphics. Not only will
you be able to better visualise the evacuation, but you will
also be able to better see the structure as the DXF is also
ported into the animation. For a glimpse of vrEXODUS see the
demo on the protected pages.
[28/09/1998] Mr Matt
Owen, Mr Stephen Gwynne, Prof Ed Galea and Mrs Kate Finney
attended the Human Behaviour in Fire Conference held in Belfast
in September 1998. The group presented four papers concerned
with the airEXODUS aircraft evacuation model, the AASK aircraft
accident survivor database, the buildingEXODUS evacuation model
and a general paper on the modelling of human behaviour (see
recent publications).
[14/05/1998] Prof Galea
gave a presentation to the Institute of Building Control Eastern
District AGM entitled, "Burning Questions Model Answers" on the
28th April 1998 at Southend in Essex.
Prof Galea gave a presentation entitled, "The Computer Modelling
of Evacuation" at the FIREX’98 conference in Birmingham on 13th
May 1998.
[01/05/1998] The EXODUS development
group completed a project for NHS Estates in which some new
features were developed. The new features included the ability
for nominated individuals to assist non-ambulant patients and
move them to a place of relative safety prior to moving them to
the designated place of safety. As this facility requires
further development, it has not been made available yet in the
general release version of buildingEXODUS however, it can be
used by the developers for consultancy applications.
[12/03/1998] Prof Galea gave a presentation entitled, "The use of
mathematical modelling in fire safety engineering" at the
Eurofire Conference in Brussels on 12th March 1998.
[25/02/1998] In Feb 1998, the beta version of buildingEXODUS
V2.0 was used on the 5 day short course Principles and Practice
of Evacuation Modelling. The software was used intensively by
approximately 20 fire professionals from all over the world.
Both the software and the course were highly praised by the
delegates. For more information see Course News.
[01/02/1998] Mr David Cooney has joined FSEG and is working on the application of Virtual Reality to evacuation simulation.
[05/11/1997] Mr Daniel Berhane has left the group to take a position with the BMA.
[05/10/1997] Mr Dominik Janes from Poland has joined the group to work on SMARTFIRE.
[28/06/1997] Matt Owen's Wedding 28th June
[30/06/1997] In June 1997, the beta version buildingEXODUS V1.1 was used
on the 5 day short course Principles and Practice of Evacuation
Modelling. The software was used intensively by approximately 25
fire professionals from all over the world. The verdict - both
the course and software received top marks from all the
delegates. For more information see Course News.
[20/06/1997] Prof Margret Law delivered her inaugural
professorial lecture at the University of Greenwich on 3rd June
1997. The lecture was entitled Developments in the Discipline of
Fire Safety Engineering. Prof Law is the Visiting Professor of
Fire Safety Engineering.
[19/06/1997] Prof Galea
chaired and made two presentations at a one-day seminar entitled
"Raising Standards, Saving Lives" organised by BICC Construction
Cables in London on 19th June 1997.
Prof Margret Law delivered her inaugural professorial lecture at
the University of Greenwich on 3rd June 1997. The lecture was
entitled Developments in the Discipline of Fire Safety
Engineering. Prof Law is the Visiting Professor of Fire Safety
[01/06/1997] FSEG has been awarded a
contract to investigate the evacuation efficiency of aircraft
[10/04/1997] Prof Galea has been appointed to the Life Safety Committee of the British Standards
Institute (April 1997).
[25/03/1997] Prof Galea presented 2 papers at
the IAFSS Symposium on Fire Safety in Melbourne Australia during
March 1997 concerning recent developments with the
buildingEXODUS evacuation model and the SMARTFIRE fire field
[20/03/1997] Mr Fuchen Jia of FSEG
presented a paper at the IAFSS Symposium on Fire Safety in
Melbourne Australia during March 1997 concerning the prediction
of flashover and backdraft using fire field models.
[12/03/1997] Prof Galea presented a paper concerning the
airEXODUS evacuation model at Royal Aeronautical Society
Symposium on Cabin Safety in London during March 1997.
[15/12/1996] Prof Galea and Mr Owen visited the NTSB in Washington DC to
present a paper on airEXODUS and spent a week collecting data
from their archive files (Dec 1996).
Prof Galea and Mr Owen visited BOEING Seattle and FAA Seattle to
present results from the airEXODUS simulations on the B767
Evacuation Demonstration (Dec 1996).
Staff from the FSEG presented 2 papers (one concerning
airEXODUS) and 2 posters at the NATO AGARD conference in Dresden
Oct 1996.
[01/10/1996] Mr Steven Gwynne joined the group in Oct 1996 as a Doctoral
Student in Evacuation Modelling.
[07/05/1996] Prof Galea gave an invited presentation to the IFE entitled
'Burning Questions - Model Answers' on 7th May 1996 at the ESSEX
Fire And Rescue Headquarters.
[01/05/1996] Exodus
Group has started work on a CAA funded project concerned with the
analysis video footage of evacuation trials performed by the worlds major
aircraft manufacturers. This information is being used in the continued
development of the airEXODUS evacuation model.
[06/03/1996] Staff from
the FSEG presented 2 papers and 2 posters at the INTERFLAM'96
conference at Cambridge during March 1996.
[01/02/1996] FSEG has started work on an EC funded project
concerned with investigating the use of water mist as a
replacement for Halon extinguishment systems on Feb 1996. FSEG's
role on the project, which has a three year duration, involves
the mathematical modelling of the water mist, its interaction
with the fire atmosphere and the extinguishment of the fire.
[] Prof Galea has been awarded an EPSRC
grant to continue work on the development of the SMARTFIRE fire
field model. In addition to the EPSRC, the project - which runs
for three years - is supported by, The Loss Prevention Council,
The Home Office (FRDG), Ove Arup and Partners, and the Essex
Fire Brigade.
[] Prof Galea has been awarded a
further two year research and development contract by the UK CAA
for the continued development of the airEXODUS evacuation model.
[Jan 1996] Mr L Filippidis
MSc has joined the group as a software engineer/modeller in the area
of evacuation modelling.
[1996] Mr A Grandison
MSc has joined the group and is working in the area of water spray
[] Mr A Dixon MSc who has a background in Psychology
has joined the group and is working in the area of evacuation
[] Mr E Alessandri has left the group
to take up a position in the German insurance industry.
Prof Galea and Mr Owen attended the CAA/FAA evacuation certification test of
the B777 and modified B767 at BOEING Seattle USA during April.
Prof Galea also presented results from that air-EXODUS
predictions of the B767 aircraft evacuation to the Boeing and
CAA/FAA certification team. Model predictions were extremely
(C) Press Release Archive:
FSEG General Press Releases
EXODUS Press Release Archive
SMARTFIRE Press Release Archive
Figure depicts the spread of smoke in the above ceiling area (red) together with the streams of air/traces of smoke emerging form various small holes in the ceiling within the cockpit. The air
stream passes over the seat and towards the rudder pedal at the base of the model. Note that the red cloud depicting the smoke is confined to the above ceiling region and other panels