Introduction to FSEG Evacuation Validation Data-Sets


FSEG evacuation research often involves undertaking evacuation experiments. Some of these experiments may prove useful in defining data-sets suitable for the validation of evacuation models. When appropriate, FSEG make these data-sets available to the modelling and regulatory community. The data-sets are free to use however, when the material is used we request specific citation is made as to the source of the data-sets. The requested citation is identified with each data-set.

Thus far, validation data-sets for maritime and building applications have been provided. As additional data-sets are collected, they will be made available on these pages.

You can find the building validation data-sets by following this link
You can find the maritime validation data-sets by following this link

In addition to the data-sets, a tool has been provided that calculates an objective measure of how well model predicted exit times fit the measured validation data. The metric used by the tool consists of the Euclidean Relative Difference, Euclidean Projection Coefficient and the Secant Cosine. These measures compare the shape of the model prediction to the experimental data as well as the distance apart.

This tool, called the FSEG_VALIDATION_ASSESSOR, along with a user-guide is freely available from this website. If the software tool is used to assess the degree of agreement with the validation data-set we request that the following citation be made in any work that is published (typically, but not exclusively, in academic journals, conference proceedings and reports):

Haasanen, S., Galea, E.R., and Deere, S., Computer Software, FSEG_VALIDATION_ASSESSOR, Download from

You can download the software tool and the user-guide here